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I have made the biggest discovery of the last 2 centuries and no one knows it! At least no one can know it that's why I'm writing it on here so people can brush these tales I will share as nothing but fan fiction because if you do believe in the truth of monsters or these tales then I feel sorry for you and I'm sorry for your family's loss for you will go missing and never return. Let me start from the beginning.

Last month I decided to move to London from Sheffield, England as my house had no more providence. As well as the house started to deteriorate over the last few weeks even with my repairs the house fell into deeper disrepair, so I eventually decided to move. It was a difficult decision for this house has been in my family for years; centuries even.

I made the discovery last week. As I was moving things out of the basement on the second to last day of moving out I picked up a heavy box and I slipped suddenly and me and the box both fell in opposite directions. As I fell I heard the box fall as well and as it hit the ground I heard a loud and clear click coming from the floor. Then without realizing it a small door opened next to me.

I picked myself up off the ground and went over to the newly discovered secret room. I pushed open the dust covered wall that left a dry taste in my throat as I coughed the dust up. The wall door slowly creaked as I entered the small room. What is this place, I thought. I looked around the room and I could barely see anything. I looked for a light switch-finding one after a few moments-and I flipped it on.

I saw crossbows, swords, wooden points that looked like it was shaved off into some sort of stake, I saw multiple revolvers and rifles displayed on the wall, boxes of silver bullets laid below the rifles, a cane sat next to the weapons, rotten pieces of garlic and bottles filled with water was next to the small door, multiple vials filled with a red liquid, chemistry items, and finally a row of crosses that sat in the center of the room on a small table.

There was one other thing. Below the swords in what looked like shelves were books. Big books, small books, and journal like books. I walked over to the mini library and picked up a book. I blew the dust off with a long breath and a couple swipes with my hand to reveal what the cover said: Vampires, werewolves, and the creatures that live in the shadows. I looked under the title and I uttered out a nervous chuckle at who I saw wrote this: Edward Van Helsing.

There's no way. I couldn't believe what I was holding in my hand. It has to be fake, I thought. However as I opened the book and a spray of dust hit my nostrils so bad I sneezed for what seemed like minutes. I turned back towards the book and I did flip through a couple pages out of curiosity. I skimmed most of the pages not really fascinated with facts of things I already knew like werewolves only die by silver or vampires hate crosses. I close the book quickly which was a big dusty mistake.

After going through another sneeze fit I put the book back in its place which wasn't hard seeing there was a space of missing dust where the book once laid. I looked at the journal like book that was under the other book. It had a brown leather cover. It was small in my hands and also covered in dust. It had a little wear and tear on the front of it but as I opened the book nothing was wrong with the pages.

I will write what I found in the journals here. It is up to you whether you believe what I write or not but I hope for your sake you think it's all a story. Here is the journal of my great great great grandfather; the companion of Van Helsing

Edward Van Helsing Book 1-A tale of Murderous Intrigue Where stories live. Discover now