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Had a very good apple just now, You guys should all go eat fruits :) 

I sat in Lena's office, playing with my fingers that sat neatly in my lap. The last time we talked she mentioned something serious we had to speak about, and I almost got fired the last time that happened. 

"Please calm down," My boss walked in, buttoning her white blouse while laughing at my current state.

"I am calm," I sassed back, pulling my hands apart to seem under control.

"I'll get straight to the point," She sat down in her chair, "The BAU wants you on their team," I began speaking before she cut me off, "And, I want you to accept," 

"Are you crazy?" I gasped.

"No, I'm serious Vera, you deserve this," She breathed out, shrugging her shoulders.

"I can't leave you" I stated as if it was the most obvious thing on earth.

"I appreciate that, and you know I love you, but I can take care of myself," She grabbed my hand, "And you could do so much more for Emilia and the rest of the kids over there," Lena nodded with her own words. 

"But how would I even do that?" I asked, beginning to accept the idea of moving there. 

"They have more people, much better access to the files, and most importantly, the team," She stated. 

"You know what, fine," I wiped my face with my hands, biting the inside of my cheek, a habit I can't seem to forget.  

"I want what's best for you," Lena said.

"Thanks, Mom," I smiled, yet becoming terrified with the idea of moving there. 


Morgan helped me with the last box, dropping it into my freshly new apartment. With huge windows that let light into the whole place, and my favorite part, the dark green tile in the bathroom that caught my eye when I looked for places to stay.  

"There ya go," He wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt, moving his neck side to side to help the muscles relax. 

"Seriously thank you, Morgan, you're amazing genuinely," I thanked him yet again, also sweating from all the carrying and unpacking I did. 

"Of course," He smiled at me, "I'm happy you ended up accepting the offer," He looked excited. 

"I hope it will turn out good for me," I smiled back, "Do you want any food?" I asked, taking groceries I had just ordered out of the bags. 

"Sure, what did you get?" He agreed, stepping closer and sitting on one of the boxes that stood near the counter.  

"Ooo I forgot I bought these," I held up a bag of pizza bites, immediately moving to turn on the oven.

"Perfect," Morgan laughed, "Tell me more about yourself," He said as I moved the tray with the food into the heated oven. 

"That's random, why?" I asked, turning to face him as I set a ten-minute timer on my phone.

"I don't know, we know each other but now that you'll be officially a part of us I wanna get to know you more," He shrugged his shoulders.

I thought about what to say, "Okay well, I enjoy dancing, is that something you want to know?" I replied.

"What kind?" He seemed intrigued.

"Ballet," I looked down at the granite counter embarrassed. 

"Really?" He raised his brows. "I wanna see it someday," he said, slapping his leg as he laughed.

"Okay tell me more about yourself then," I folded my arms, enjoying this game of twenty questions. 

"I like reading," he replied simply.

"What books do you like?" I asked.

"Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut," My jaw dropped at his answer. 

"I love that book!" I exclaimed, raising my arms out of instinct. To which he nodded back as surprised as I was. I took out the food once my alarm rang stopping our conversation for a moment before we continued, trying to speak with steam rolling out our mouths. 

"I think Emily and Reid are coming over right now," I looked at my messages confused, as someone made a group chat titled ~The Young Ones ~ and both Emily and Reid found out Morgan was here and decided to invite themselves in.

"Fun," Derek replied sarcastically also looking up from his from, probably staring at the same chat I was. 

"Hello sister," Emily walked in, holding a bottle of wine in her hand, "Rossi gave me this," She said putting it down. Reid walked behind her, holding flowers at the bottom of the stems.

"Wow pretty boy, making moves," Derek giggled, which Reid just ignored, handing me the bouquet.

"Thank you," I rolled out my lip, "Tulips are my favorite," I smelled them, putting the flowers in a vase I had just unpacked.

"Congratulations" Emily hugged me when I was done.

"Thank you," I put my head in the crook of her neck, smelling in her dark perfume, one I hadn't smelled in our younger years. 

I got pulled to a different room as Emily and Derek began chatting, opening the wine bottle that I'm sure cost Rossi a fortune, not like he doesn't have many fortunes. 

"So about that date?" Spencer whispered sending chills down my spine. "You're back, are you not?" I smiled at his gummy grin. 

"I'm starting work tomorrow, so how about Tuesday, the day after?" I offered an option.

"Perfect, I'll pick you up then," Reid put a strand of my hair behind my ear, holding on to the side of my face a few seconds longer than one usually would, his soft fingers gently sitting at the back of my neck.

"Hey, lovebirds!" I turned my face to the door, where you could clearly see Emily and Derek staring at us with smirks high up their faces. "Careful before Vera gets fired on her first day" Emily laughed, waving us over with glasses in their hands. 

Authors note:

I'm seeing much more readers and I'm getting nervous lol, I wanna remind people that this book is for me to get in the habit of writing so the writing itself or the plot isn't the best😫

anyway, I want me an older man with tattoos please Lord I'm begging, I'll do anything fr fr 

anyway, I want me an older man with tattoos please Lord I'm begging, I'll do anything fr fr 

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Who else can tell I'm rewatching The Last of Us 🤗🙋🏻‍♀️


𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 - criminal mindsWhere stories live. Discover now