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Let's do this, yet another morning writing 🫡

Lowkey a filler chapter with Reid.

My head pulsed the second I opened my eyes, staring at the pillow I was lying on. I looked around the unfamiliar room, bookshelves lining the walls and a little wooden table sitting by the window, with a chess game still on it.

"Morning," I panicked hearing a voice I wasn't expecting but before I could reach for a weapon I saw Reid standing by the door, two cups in his hands. "This one is for you," he handed me warm coffee, still steaming.

"What am I doing here," I croaked, rubbing my eyes free a free hand.

"Yesterday after what happened with you, I panicked and tried to find Emily and when I couldn't I just decided to take you to my place," He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"thank you," I mumbled, taking a sip from the green mug I now held.

"Are you okay now?" He asked, still standing in the door frame. I thought for a moment, reevaluating my body and how it feels.

"I think so," I nodded, "I can't believe I was so stupid," I groaned, now remembering each detail from last night.

"You weren't stupid, just drunk," He smiled as a ringing broke our talk.

"Vera, where are you?" Emily panicked.

"I'm okay, I'm at Spencers," I replied hearing her gasp.

"What are you doing there?" Confusion stored in her voice.

"I got spiked and he didn't know what to do," I mumbled, still embarrassed by that fact.

"Are you okay?" She asked now worried.

"I'm fine, let's talk more when i get home okay?" I asked, hearing an unconfident agreement before I turned my phone off.

"Sorry I didn't want you make you uncomfortable" I stood up from the bed, still in the dress from before.

"Where did you sleep?" I asked, tying my messed up hair with a hair-tie I kept on my wrist.

"The couch," He shrugged, moving out the way as I traveled out his presumed bedroom and out into the rest of the home.

"Thank you," I said shyly, rubbing my eyes. "You have a beautiful home," I looked around, a comforting feel surrounded the place, with stacks of books and journals everywhere, as well as the evident smell of coffee.

"Most think it's nerdy," He laughed, walking over to his kitchen, taking out milk and a box of cereal from a cupboard.

"Not at all," I laughed with him, nodding as he silently offered some food.

"So how are you enjoying your stay with Emily?" He asks as we sit at a table with our bowls of chocolate crunch.

"I think it's okay," I realized how hungry I actually was as I bit into the food, not speaking much as Reid laughed at me.

"It must be quite awkward," He said.

"It is, but I'm warming up to the idea of having a real family again," I smiled at him, not even thinking of how bad my makeup must look.

"Hey um," He paused, "How long are you staying?" He asked nervously.

" Oh i'm leaving tomorrow," I tilted my head to side, eating for him to continue.

"Never mind then," His smile dropped, as he stood up putting our dishes in the sink.

"What no!" I gasped, "What did you wanna say?" I smirked, now getting very interested.

"It's nothing that interesting," He said, looking back at me as I sat waiting for him to speak patiently. "I just wanted to ask if you would like to go on a-" he stopped "date with me," He tapped the side of his leg, obviously very nervous.

"Of course I would Reid," I was taken aback my his confidence, not expecting anything like that, "we would just have to push it to the next time I visit," I said sadly, yet he seemed to be happy, a smile speeding on his face.

"That's okay," He replied, "What would you like to do?" Reid asked, sitting back down in his chair.

"I would love to change and shower if i'm being honest," I laughed, leaning back.

"I'll drive you back," He stood up excitedly, putting a coat on.

"Wow I didn't you you drive," I laughed.

"Here," He shoved a jacket my way, looking at my bare arms. "I have no idea how you you weren't cold yesterday," He shook his head.

"Thank you," I put on the dark green cardigan, hugging it tightly around my body.

"let's go," he opened the front door, letting me go first before we got to the elevator, my stomach dropping as we moved down to the parking garage. My feet aching as I clicked on the concrete with my black strapless heels.

"What music do you like?" I asked, as we sat down in his car, him starting it.

"hm anything really," I nodded turning on some bands I enjoyed, bopping my head as he drove down the street.

"How are you feeling by the way?" he looked at me.

"huh?" I lowered the volume on the song.

"With the case we had," The mood seemed to lower as I glanced out the window.

"Better I think," I said slowly, rubbing my thumbs together.

"That's good," He brushed his hair with his hand, slowing down at Emily's apartment.

"Thank you Reid, for everything," I kissed his cheek before getting out as he stayed frozen in his spot. "Bye," I slammed the door, walking up to the door, and rethinking my life as I went up the stairs, that being the only exercise I've had the past week.

"Oh thank God you're alright," My sister hugged me, putting her head on mine.

"Yea I am," I laughed, not knowing how else to react to the situation besides laughing at it.

"Maybe it was a bad start to this weekend," She joined me, "but we have one more day let's do something fun," We continued giggling as I nodded, walking into the bathroom to wash off the smell of the club and confusion.

Authors note:

What do we think about this chapter?

Do y'all know I never actually read back to what I write ? I just write whatever comes to my brain and then post it 😍✋ (I'm so cool)

I finished two exams yesterday, kinda brain dead after that.

Also i absolutely lied about the slow burn lmao, well no i mean it's definitely gonna take a while for them to actually get together but it's already so obvious that he likes her.

me and my other personalities 🥰

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me and my other personalities 🥰

𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 - criminal mindsWhere stories live. Discover now