Chapter Four

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When he finally got outside, the fresh air filled his lungs. He coughed and spluttered, sighing in relief that they were out of there. The staff and students were staring at Rachel in concern.

Eddie laid Rachel carefully on the floor. Her lack of movement concerned him. She was breathing; her chest was rising and falling slowly but steadily. Her injuries looked even worse in the daylight. There was blood all over her forehead, it was in her hair. Her left ankle was still at a funny angle, swollen to almost twice the size.

"Rach?" he whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder

Rachel didn't move at all. Eddie looked around, sighing when there were no ambulances ready and waiting. He knew if Rachel had been awake and conscious, she would have sent for help, just in case anyone was injured.


Eddie looked up, his eyes locking with Steph's. She looked at Rachel nervously, before returning her gaze to Eddie again.

"I've called an ambulance, they're on their way" she told him

Eddie sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Steph" he nodded

She smiled, walking away. Eddie turned his attention back to Rachel.

"Come on, Rach. Don't leave me" he pleaded, taking her limp hand into his own

A whimper escaped her lips. Eddie sighed in relief, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"That's it, Rach. Wake up, please?" he whispered

Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She coughed violently, clearing the smoke out of her lungs. Her gaze fell on Eddie. She was confused as to why she was lying on the ground, and why Eddie looked so scared and relieved at the same time.

She saw the smoke in the distance, the orange flames flickering through the broken windows of the school. There were students and staff huddled round the school playground not far from her, all chattering worriedly. What was going on?

Her whole body ached, especially her left leg. The pain radiated from the top of her knee to the tips of her toes. She couldn't move her leg or foot at all, no matter how hard she tried. Her head was pounding and she could feel a sticky substance in her hair and across her forehead. She needed to assess the damage.

She cried out in pain as she attempted to sit up. Eddie lay her back down gently.

"Lie still, love. You're hurt" he told her

"What happened?" she mumbled wearily, placing a hand to her head as she winced

"The canteen is on fire. You got trapped under some rubble. It's ok though, you're safe now" he explained

She nodded, the memories slowly returning to her. She remembered her waters had broken just before the ceiling panel had fallen on her ankle. Her hand shot to her stomach, waiting to feel a kick, any kind of movement from her little girl. She felt something, it was faint, but it was there.

"The baby" she muttered

Eddie frowned at her.

"The baby's coming" she told him

"How do you know?" he asked

"My waters broke before the ceiling fell on me... and I,"

She paused, letting out a small cry of pain as she shifted uncomfortably in Eddie's arms.

"Eddie" she whimpered

"Alright darling, it's ok. The ambulance will be here in a minute. Just try and breathe"

"It hurts" she whimpered, burying her head in his chest as she coughed

"I know, I know. It's going to be ok, I promise"

"I love you" she whispered

Eddie smiled, softly kissing the side of her forehead that wasn't covered in blood.

"I love you too"

Rachel winced at the pain in her left leg. It was a searing pain, stabbing. She felt like her whole leg was on fire. She knew she had broken something; there was no doubt about it.

"Is my leg ok?" she asked

"Your ankle is swollen and it's bruising. I think it's broken" Eddie told her

"I thought so" she nodded

"Is it hurting you?" he asked

Rachel nodded again.

"I can't move my leg or my foot" she admitted, eyes wide with fear

"Ok, don't panic. We'll get you sorted, I promise" he reassured

Rachel shifted uncomfortably again, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Ohhhh, owww!" she cried

"Alright, alright, you're ok" Eddie soothed, moving her gently so she was more comfortable

"I'm scared" she whimpered, wrapping her hand in his

Eddie kissed her forehead softly to reassure her.

Rachel watched as he let out a small cough. It was the first time she'd noticed his face was covered in ash and sprinkles of debris. She cupped his cheek with her hand, rubbing his skin with her thumb. He smiled at her.

"Are you hurt?" she asked

"No, darling, I'm ok" he replied

"Are you sure?" she questioned

"I'm fine, love, I promise. I'm just worried about you"

Rachel nodded, squeezing his hand. She could hear the ambulance sirens in the distance. She could tell Eddie had heard them too by the way he sighed in relief. 

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