Sorry I'm an ANTI-ROMANTIC Pt. 2

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I walked into school without any idea what my sister had done. I opened my locker and a note fell out.

"What in the world?" I muttered, picking it up and opening it.

"Hey, your sister told me you were interested, call me <3 -### ### #### Jackson"

I believe I threw up in my mouth a little.

I pulled out my phone and texted my sister- "I know what your doing, STOP!"

I put it back in my pocket and headed towards the music room, but halfway there I spotted Jackson standing in front of the bathroom. He looked like he was waiting on something.

"Crap..." I whispered, I would half to go the long way. I turned around and started in the other direction. Once I finally ended up in the music room, I sighed of relief. I pulled my phone out. My sister, Melody, had text back- "Oh, just you wait ;)"

I thought about jumping off a cliff. It was a possible option.

"Err, do you know where I could find the keyboard?" A voice said with an accent I had never heard before. Norwegian, maybe?

I looked up. "Yeah-" I stopped instantly.

I had never believed in love-at-first-sight until that very moment.

He was several inches taller than me. He had grey eyes and strawberry blond hair that puffed up in the front to look like cat ears. He had a red sweatshirt and a black trench coat. His dark skinny jeans fit him perfectly, and his white air forces seemed to illuminate the whole room.

I about fainted, exploded, and cried all at the same time.

"Ugh..." I coughed. "Over there." I pointed to a closet in the corner.

"I'm Tord." He stuck out his hand. I must have stared at it for a good ten seconds before taking it. His fingers were long and slender; and warm...

"Someone other than me is going to want to hold your cold hand~" Melody's voice echoed in my head.

I pulled away quickly. "Tom."

His smile was the size of England. "What do you play?" He asked.

"Anything with strings, mostly bass though." I told the floor.

"Wow, I've always wanted to play a string instrument, but my hands never moved like that." He wondered. "They're just weird and different."

"Your hands are perfect." I blurted out.

Jumping off a cliff never sounded so good.

His smile expanded to the whole size of Europe, which I didn't think was possible. Luckily, I was saved by Mr. Wilson.

"Alright everyone. Go get your instruments, chop chop, not a minute to waste."

I backed away, still staring at Tord's face. His smile seemed unreal. I turned and hurried to my seat. I pulled Susan out of her case and tuned her quickly. As I was playing, my eyes kept slipping over to the Norwegian boy that would soon be the center of my life.

TomTord/TordTom OneShots...Where stories live. Discover now