Hero (Slowed) - Skyper

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"Ugh, I can not believe they did that..." I thought angrily, the recent image of my friends driving off without me playing through my head. "Faen dem..."

I walked down the dark streets, the stars lighting the sidewalk. I was lucky it was a clear night, it was normally so cloudy you couldn't see shit.

I should have never trusted them, those stupid high school jocks...

I had recently joined the baseball team, and they seemed very welcoming of my presence. I was extremely wrong. They had stranded me on the side of the road on the highway.

I would call Edd or Matt, but it was 2:30am and I was sure they were asleep.

"I could call Tom." I thought, but I shook the thought out of my mind. "He hates me, that would be a terrible idea."

I looked up the directions home on my phone.

"2:17 minute walk..." I muttered. "Ugh, here goes nothing-"

I called Tom and after a few rings he picked up.

"What?" He sounded wide awake, but pissed off.

"Erm, yeah, can you give me a ride?" I managed to say, swallowing my pride.

"Ha! Those dingbats strand you?"

"Shut up."

"Fine, where are you?"

I let out a small gasp unintentionally. "You are really going to pick me up?!"

"Not if you keep acting like a retard, where are you?" I heard his screen door open and close and his Honda Civic beep. I sent him my location. "Holy shit! Why are you all the way out there?"

"I honestly have not a clue." I said.

"Fine, I'll be there in a few."

"Thanks." I said as he hung up. "He never says goodbye, I wonder why?"

I continued to walk up the empty road, and after about 30 minutes I saw a pair of headlights coming my way.

"I hope that is him, if not I am in trouble." I murmured.

The car stopped next to me and the window rolled down. Thankfully it was Tom.

"Get in, stupid." He said, opening the car door.

"Thanks, really." I exclaimed, climbing in.

"Whatever, I'm not doing this again..." He muttered, turning around and heading back the way he came.

"You won't have to, I am quitting the team." I sighed.

"Good, you're not good at baseball, anyway." He said snarkily.

"How would you know?" I shot back.

"I watched you practice, you're shit." He laughed.

"Oh, so you were stalking me?" I smirked.

"Bullshit, I merely passed by." He hmphed.

"Mhm, sure." I punched him in the arm. "What is that Mindless Self Indulgence song you listen to?"

"Shut up, idiot." I thought I saw a tint of blush in his cheeks.

"Ok, but in all seriousness, why were you watching me?" I asked.

"Like I said, I just passed by." He said.

"Jeg vedder på at du er forelsket i meg, er du ikke, Thomas." I said, knowing he would not know what I said. (I bet you're in love with me, aren't you, Thomas.)

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