LA Devotee - Panic! At The Disco - Pt.1

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I stumbled into my house, barely being able to walk. I hated my job. I hated everything. I would kill myself, but I've got to take care of my cat, Bonkers. 

I was a prostitute, and I hated it, but it was the only way I could find work in this hell-hole. I had just gotten back from this god-awful "Party", and I just needed to go to sleep. I was about to when my Boss text me.


You have a client tomorrow at 5pm
at the Eastwood manor. You will attend
this party in formal wear and do
whatever the client wants, understood?

Yes sir.

"Well, there goes my weekend." I muttered, knowing damn well I didn't own my schedule. I just wondered how awful this next client would be.

I went to my bedroom and laid down in my own bed. I rarely got to sleep in my own bed anymore, it sucked. I just prayed one day this would all be over, and I could move on with my miserable life.


"Damn, look at that poor guy." My friend Kelly said, pointing to a guy in a black tux who was being held on to by an older gentlemen.

"Maybe it's his Dad?" I said, trying to stay positive. I hated the fact these sex workers were forced to do stuff like this. It made my heart hurt.

"No way, look, he's grabbing his arse." Kelly sighed. "Another sex worker, I bet. I wish they would all just go find another hobby."

"I don't think that's always the case." I said, silently praying for the man in the tux. He was skinny, with blond hair and black eyes.

"Ehh, whatever. I'm going to get more wine." Kelly said, and with that, they went over to the bar.

As the night progressed, I ended up forgetting about the sex worker and enjoyed the party. Wasn't sure why I was there in the first place, I guess it was because my parents were loaded. They both worked in the army for a long time and urged me to join as well, but I just wasn't sure that was my thing.

Me and Kelly left the party at around 2 in the morning, and were laughing as we went outside. But that laughter faded when we heard small screams coming from the side of the manor. I turned to Kelly in shock.

"Hell no." Kelly said, knowing what I was thinking.

"We have to!" I whispered, sneaking around to the side of the building. We silently peaked past the corner to find the sex worker crumpled in a corner, with the older man standing over him.

"Don't be resistant, kitty. Just play with me." He said, pulling out a knife and flipping the blade open. He was obviously drunk, you could smell the vodka from here.

"No, please-" The guy whimpered.

That did it for me. I jumped out from behind the corner. "HEY, ARSEHOLE, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled, shocking everyone who could hear, including myself.

The older man looked startled for a moment, then went back to his original state. "What are you going to do about it, slag?"

I strode up to him and sized him up. "Leave him alone."

He tried to hold the knife to my throat, but I flipped it around so that it was facing him instead. Those self-defense classes Pa and Mom paid for really paid off. I snatched the knife from him and pointed it at him.

"Get lost." I breathed, furious. He scampered away and I helped the sex worker up. "Hey, you alright."

"I'm fine." He glared, which caught me off guard. He brushed himself off and pulled out his phone, which was cracked. "Thanks for scaring off my ride."

"Uhh- I can give you a ride." I said, not sure what to say.

"Good, because I have not other way to get home, and now I'm not even going to get paid." He looked back up at me, enraged.

"Hey, you listen here, you probably wouldn't be alive if he hadn't saved your ungrateful arse." Kelly said, running up.

"Oh, a woe is me, he was going to cut me up and rape me. That's my fucking job, you idiots. I get paid for putting up with that shit." He huffed. "Just take me home."

I looked from Kelly to the sex worker, who clearly wasn't thankful for my daring actions. Kelly shrugged with a look that said- "You did this to yourself, man."

"Umm, sure." I said, and we walked to my car. He put his phone on the dashboard, which showed the directions to his house. He fiddled around with the radio until he found something he liked, and other then the sound of Madison Beer, we rode in silence.

"So, err, what's your name?" I asked daringly.

"Tom." He stated blankly.

"I'm Tord."


Another five minutes and I asked another question.

"So, umm, I have a question-"


"Are you straight or gay?"

He gave me a look. "Why do you ask? Do you want my services, cause it's gonna cost you-"

"NO- No, no. I just wondered because, well, you have to fuck old guys for a living- and I, and I'm assuming, you don't get a lot of clients that are women-"

"I'm bisexual." He said. "And I still like men because I can think of guys my age without being grossed out because I mostly offer my services to older guys."

"Huh, I never thought about it like that." I thought aloud.

"Yeah, not many people do..." He muttered.

"I'm sorry." I blurted.

"It's not your fault, none of this shit is. I did this to myself, and no one's gonna save me but myself." He said, gazing out the window as the trees passed by.

And for some reason, for a reason I didn't know why yet, I just knew I was going to be the one that saved him. I didn't know how, or why, or when, all I knew was I was going to.


I don't know when the next part will come out, give me time. Hope you have had a good day! Mine was okay... Comment <3

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