The texts.

4 0 0

What in fucks name
do you want?

.. nothing? I was just
requesting people from

Ew, why me? I don't like
Seen 5 minutes ago

Y/N sat there wondering what to say. She was confused as Finn literally accepted her request, yet claims he doesn't like her. This is when she had the sudden urge to confront him about this.

so you claim that
yet you accepted

Whatever, just don't text
me. You're weird. And
a nerd. I don't need  my
reputation ruined by
someone like YOU.


Y/N sat in her bed creasing. His 'reputation' it's high school not a full time job. Y/N thought back and would completely understand if this was a serious job, but school? Damn this boy was the weird one not Y/N.


*The time was 11:45pm*

Y/N was so tired, school was exhausting and quite frankly draining. Mentally and physically. She had placed her phone on her bed side table charging whilst she got comfy in her bed ready for the BEST sleep ever.
Well so Y/N thought. There it was again that annoying sound *buzz buzz*.
Y/N picked up her phone and sighed. She literally just got all snuggled up in bed.

Notification, Instagram
Are you awake?

Y/N thought , 'what the actual fuck?'. Maybe the wrong person or maybe not? Y/N did happen to reply because, well it's Finn.

Are you awake?

i was  yeah, need

Y/N waited for a reply after a couple minutes there it was.

Yeah, why are you so
Seen 10 minutes ago

Y/N had only one thought in her head, 'what a fucking bitch.' He made her uncomfortable just to ask why she was ugly. Y/N knew for a fact she wasn't ugly, she was actually really presentable, she didn't wear heavy makeup and had beautiful blue eyes.
If we were to say ugly, decent, pretty Y/N would be above decent but a little below pretty.



Y/N had, had enough of staying up to see if Finn would double text so she decided to catch them Z's.
It took a while for Y/N to drift to sleep because she was so mad at Finn for being such a dick but eventually she fell into her sleep.

And when Y/N is asleep you ain't waking her up until she naturally wakes up or she hears her alarm chiming annoyingly in her ear drums.

But luckily for Y/N it was Saturday tomorrow. Chill day, but only 2 days till summer camp. Where she had to see Finn every single day. I mean it's not really bad for Y/N but if he's going to be an utter jerk like he always is then she's going to absolutely hate it even more than she does thinking about it. But who knows, maybe she'll like summer camp?


(Authors note; I don't know how i feel about this chapter BUT i'm most likely going to make saturday a really short chapter and then sunday a longer one. I'm going to attempt to do the first day of summer camp 1000 words. Hopefully i can stick by that.
Also thank you to everyone reading, i really appreciate it ❤️)

561 words

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