8 prom song (gone wrong)

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it's currently 1:54am and it's obviously late so tara asked the boys if they wanted to stay the night aswell they agreed.

me and tara slept in taras bed and the boys slept on the couch. taras bed was the comfiest bed ever and it had pink bed sheets so she had brownie points for that.

i got changed into my pjs i brought. i  brought a black crop top and some pink leopard print pj bottoms.

tara wore a hoodie and some fluffy pj bottoms

"tara guess what happened while we were watching the movie" i said whispering a little so jake or johnnie didn't hear

"tell me the gossip" she said quietly

"so you know how i fell to sleep on johnnies shoulder" i asked

she nodded

"well when i went to get up he pulled me back down a little" i whispered smiling

"OMG AHHHHHHH" tara yelled

the boys definitely heard that

"shhhhhh" i whisper yell

jake busted through the door "what seems to be the problem here little missy" jake asks in a cowboy accent

"OH uhh um uhh n-nothing" i said quickly

"y-yeah definitely nothing" tara said

we were both trying to act like nothing was going on but you could clearly tell we were talking about something important.

"mhmm" jake said sassily

"go away jake your stinking up my room" tara said shewing jake out of the door

"THANK GOD JAKE IS GONE" tara yelled so jake could hear us

"HEY" jake shouted

i just giggled and tara let out a very quiet eek so jake wouldn't hear

me and tara got settled into bed tara literally went straight to sleep. i went onto my socials for a bit.

about an hour had passed and i was about to go to sleep but i was REALLY thirsty. so i decided to get up and go get a drink from the kitchen.

as i was walking to the kitchen i could hear someone's phone on tiktok. i ignored it and just got a bottle of water out of the fridge.

as i was about to leave the kitchen i could see an emo head peaking through the door

"johnnie?" i whisperd

"hi" he said scratching the back of his neck looking embarrassed

i giggled at his embarrassed face and smiled at him

"i thought you were a robber" he said while saying this his cheeks turned a shade of pink

"oh yeah" i smiled seeing him blush

"'𝒷𝑜𝓎, 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒' what are you doing up?"  i asked him

"i dont even know what about you" he asked

"just cant sleep"

me and him ended up going back into the living room where jake was sleeping and sit on our phones together.

in taras living room there is a recliner chair and a big couch. jake was asleep on the recliner and johnnies bed was set up on the couch.

we sat pretty close to each other. after a while i put my phone down and decided to watch his phone with him.

he was on tiktok. his for you page was a mix of funny videos of him and jake, funny videos, edits of him and sometimes jake and cringe videos. it was actually quite entertaining. it was very different to mine but funny nonetheless. 

"im going to go back up to bed" i whispered

he looked a bit sad when i said that which i found cute.

"okay good night y/n" he said quietly

"good night johnnie" i said getting off the couch

he opend his arms as if to ask me for a hug YAY we hugged. he gives the best hugs ngl he is literally so comfy. we hugged for what felt like minutes and then i walked off into taras bedroom in a good mood.

california // johnnie guilbert x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now