26 put me in a movie

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its 3:04 and i have just woken up when i check my phone i see that i have had loads of messages of jake tara and johnnie i dont answer johnnie because im in a mood with him but i obviously answer tara

tara💗: y/n are you home safe
tara💗: y/nnn
tara💗: ring me

y/n: okay dolly

i ring her and she picks up straight away



"are you mad at johnnie? because im mad at johnnie he seems sorry but if i were you i would break up with him NOT TELLING YOU YOU NEED TO but thats just what i would do" tara says

i can hear jake talking in the background so shes still at jake and johnnies house

"tara '𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒾 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝑜𝓌𝓃' besides it wasnt THAT much of a big deal" i say sounding sad

"true but its just pissed me off he cant just treat you like that" tara says sounding annoyed

"i know darl"
"so whats johnnie said" i ask

"well hes walking back and fourth with his phone in his hand asking everyone if you have answered them because he dosnt know if your home safe" she says giggling

"oh wow so he is sorry" i say also giggling

"yep but im not telling him you have answered me because i want to make him not do it again" tara says sternly

"okay okay"

after that the phone ended and i decided to go downstairs and get a drink i got pepsi because of lanas song cola (me and eviemai122 love our pepsi cola😉)


i feel really bad for not speaking to y/n last night then making her get into a taxi by herself im such a dick

tara hasnt been easy on me either but i deserve it i guess i mean none knows where y/n is and for all i know she could be dead

im literally spamming my phone and she isn't answering me what if the uber guy kidnapped her

"TARA" i yell

"what do you want" she asks clearly annoyed

"has y/n answered you" i ask hopefully

"no she hasnt"

i just continue pacing around the living area
its not even as if i could ask any of her friends she lives with because there all in england visiting family or something

i know she hates staying home alone which makes me feel ever worse. why did i let her go home?

"johnnie why are you so worried you should of thought about this before you sent her home" tara says still pissed off

"i dont know"

"this is literally all your fault"

the worst part of her saying that is its true

right now its 5:42 so ill give her until 7:30 and if shes not back then im going to her house


its almost 7:30 and i havent heard from y/n since she left my house last night i know she wakes up late so before i file a missing person report im going to her house

"im going to y/ns house" i announce to jake and tara

"well your walking" tara says still sounding annoyed at me

"okay" i say preparing for the 35 minute walk to y/ns house

as i walk out the door and smile at jake and tara

i hope shes okay she already hates being alone especially at night and shes been abandoned by her own boyfriend that's really shitty of me

after what felt like hours i arrived at y/ns

thank god i can literally hear lana del rey from the front door and i can see carriers on in the front room

carriers is like one of her favourite films ever it was made in 2009 and she can only get it on her weird dodgy box thingy

i knock on the door


i hear a knock on my door its probs johnnie so i answer it

i swing open the door to reveal johnnie i give him a sad smile and he just pulls me into a tight hug

"im sorry" he says into my neck

"its okay"

i pull away from the hug and go sit back in my spot on the sofa i can tell johnnie feels bad
he comes and sits next to me

"i thought you were dead" he says

"i know"

"i dont like it when you get ubers by yourself i think i was just drunk and having a bad day" he says pulling me into a tight hug

i just nodded my head

"im staying here tonight" johnnie tells me

we finish watching carriers and then i put on talk to me (i have literally just finished watching this movie and im traumatised in so many different ways i normally love horror movies but that was absolutely terrifying)

i acted like i was in a mood with johnnie but really i forgive him

"im going up to bed" i say getting up

"not without me" i say's grabbing my hand

we walk up to the top floor and i do my usual putting gossip girl lana and blue leds on then i get into bed

johnnie gets in next to me and then cuddles me tightly

"i love you so much" johnnie says

"love you too" i say putting my head onto his chest

i humm to whatever song is on and johnnie just watches gossip girl

"im going to sleep" i say tiredly

"okay goodnight"

"goodnight" i say pecking him on his lips

"love you" he says kissing my head

"love you too"


california // johnnie guilbert x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now