
Tonight has actually been really fun. Ethan brought Jack over, Sam made us an incredible dinner, and Jack has been so entertaining tonight.

He has so much energy right now, that I'm assuming he'll start crashing at any moment. Since dinner has been over, he's been running around the living room in just his diaper.

I can't help but laugh when Ethan catches Jack, and holds him upside down. This makes Jack squeal, and then he runs around more once Ethan sets him back down.

Jack stops to drink water out of his sippy cup, and then he starts running again. He's such an energetic kid, that I wonder if he'll play sports in the future.

Ethan and I both played baseball growing up, but he focused more on football in high school. I was already being looked at by the majors when I was in high school, and then I got drafted by the Cubs during my second year of college.

I glance over at Sam, who is sitting in the chair adjacent to the couch, and she's just smiling while watching Jack. If there's one thing that boy has, it's a community.

Ethan scoops Jack up, and Jack immediately lays his head on Ethan's shoulder. Which means he's starting to get sleepy.

"Okay, I think this is our cue to go home. It's almost bedtime."

"Awww. Goodnight, Jack," Sam says, getting up to say goodbye to Jack.

Jack's little hand reaches towards Sam, and he smiles. "Sam-Sam," he says. He has a limited vocabulary because he's only one and a half, but it's so cute to hear him say the words he knows.

He calls me, "Unco Ray." Instead of Uncle Gray. I might cry someday when he can say my name correctly.

After Ethan and Jack head home, Sam gets up to clean the kitchen.

"You don't have to do that," I say, taking a sponge from the sink to start the dishes. "You made dinner, so I'll clean up."

"Are you sure? This is kind of my job."

"Who said that?" I ask. "I'm technically your boss, and I'm telling you that you don't have to do my dishes."

"Thank you," Sam says.

"Dinner was incredible, by the way," I say. "I didn't know you could cook like that."

"I went to culinary school during my first year of working for the Red Sox."

"Really?" I ask. "Sam, that's so cool."

She smiles. "It was actually required. Useful, though."

"I guess there really are things we don't know about each other anymore," I say. That honestly stings a little. To know that I'm the reason there's walls up between Sam and I. She doesn't fully trust me because of my own actions.

Sam turns around to face me, leaning against the counter behind her. "I told you, a lot of things have changed."

"Sounds like you've really gone off the rails, Samantha," I say. "Thanks for everything you did for me today. I really appreciate that it seems like I actually live here now."

"You're welcome for not making everything pink," Sam says.

I laugh. "It would've been totally deserved if you did."

"I should get going," she says.

"You know, the guest room's yours if you ever feel like crashing here. There's gotta be some late nights eventually. Especially in the middle of the season."

"Thanks, but I only live ten minutes away," she says. "I'm not sure it'd be a good idea for me to stay here."

"Well, you'll probably be traveling with the team at some point, which means you'll have an adjacent room to mine. We have to at least get used to being around each other."

"I know. You're right," she says.

"Do your parents still live on Nantucket?" I ask, hopping up to sit on my counter. I grab an apple from my fruit bowl and take a bite.

"Yep," Samantha says. "Even though all of us kids live elsewhere now. Rachel and Anna are in New York, and me and Nat are here."

"What about the boys? How are they doing?" Grayson asks.

"They're fine. Matt's studying pre-med at UNC Chapel Hill, and Caleb is playing tennis at Central Florida."

"And Natalie found a job she likes?" I ask.

"She's an event planner."

"Ethan told me about that. He said she's in charge of all of Jack's birthday parties."

Sam laughs. "Yeah, her and Indy."

"What's up with Ethan and Indy, by the way?" I ask. "Ethan won't give me details about that."

"I don't know. I just know that he's taking her to New York, and that they both have mentioned wanting to be a family."

I smile. "I've seen the way Indy is with Jack."

"I think all that needs to happen is that Indy and Jack need to admit their feelings. I wouldn't be surprised if or when they come back that they'll tell us they're getting married."

"Married? No, Ethan would've told me if it was that deep."

"Indy said she'd say yes if he asked. It's only a matter of time, Grayson."

"You think so?"

"I think anything could happen if you give it time."

"Like you being my friend again?"

"Dammit, Grayson. You're making it hard to say no."

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Because I've known you forever. I've always had a hard time saying no to you."

"Touché, Kettering."

"Baby steps, remember?"

"Hey, the team's going out for drinks after our practice tomorrow if you wanna come. I'm sure there will be some girlfriends and wives of the team there. Or you could invite Natalie."

"We'll see. Maybe I'll get Natalie to come. Indy's probably watching Jack, since Ethan works tomorrow."

"Either way, I'll see you tomorrow," I say.

Sam smiles. "Kicking me out already? I thought you were so eager to have me around again, Dolan."

"Yeah, well, I need my beauty sleep."

"I should go anyway. Call me if you need anything. Do you need me to get coffee or anything in the morning?"

"That's okay. I usually make a protein shake before I go to the gym. I'll be back, and then I usually eat an actual breakfast before I go to practice."

"Sounds good," Sam says, heading for the door. "See ya tomorrow."

I go to bed once Sam leaves, but I toss and turn for a while before I actually fall asleep. Once I do, I dream of Nantucket.

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