
Every year, when Ethan and Grayson finally arrive on Nantucket Island, the five of us (both sets of twins and Indy) race to The Beach Club. Whoever wins, gets to decide what the weekend activities are.

We have a lot more freedom now that we're all seventeen and have our licenses.

There's a music festival a couple hours away that us girls have been dying to go to, and Natalie ran track at school this spring. Hopefully her new running skills will get us a win against the boys.

As soon as Ethan and Grayson step foot out of their car, Indy, Nat and I get a head start on the race. Like I hoped, Natalie wins by a landslide. Which means we're going to the music festival tomorrow night.

The first night back is always a big barbecue in my family's backyard. To welcome our family friends, and to kick off the summer.

It's usually one of my favorite nights of the year. We make s'mores, play beach games, and everyone stays up pretty late.

When we get back to my house, my mother has milkshakes on the ready. Just like every year.

"Sam, could you run to the grocery store to get a few things?" Mom asks.

"Why does it always have to be me?" I ask.

"Sorry. I've already served my time," Anna says. She's the oldest, so she's been the grocery runner ever since she got her license, until Nat and I got ours.

"Fine," I say. "Nat?"

"I'm planning on taking a sun-nap," she says. Typical.

"I'll go with you, Sammie. We can catch up," Grayson says.

I smile. This is why he's my best friend.

After running into the laundry room to find a t-shirt (to cover up my swimsuit top), I grab the keys to mine and Nat's shared Jeep, and Grayson and I head to the store.

"You've gotten taller," I say, once we hit a red light."

"You've grown too, Sam," Grayson says. "God, it feels so good to be back here. You have no idea how much I always miss you when I'm in Jersey."

"You have no idea how much I always miss you," I say. "It's never the same without anyone here."

"That's why we make the best memories every summer," Grayson says. "So that we can reminisce when we're apart."

"How was the drive?"

"Eh, it was alright. Ethan chose the music the whole time, but I got to pick where we ate lunch, so it was even."

"Ah, the classic life of a twin."

"Tell me about it," Grayson says.

We laugh.

The two of us probably make a twenty minute grocery trip into an hour, just because we're making something mundane feel fun.

These are the types of moments that make me wonder how Grayson would be as a boyfriend. He's never mentioned any girls to me before. He's always treated me like I was special, always telling me that there's no one in the world like me. Even my own twin sister.

Dinner that night is perfect. The breeze is cool on our backs as we eat homemade burgers and fries, and us kids are having a blast catching up. Summer is my favorite time of year, but mostly because of the people that come with it.



I wake up at 3:32 in the morning, and can't fall back asleep. It's thunder storming outside, and I wish my sister was awake, so that she could come lay with me.

Even as a twenty-seven year old woman, I sometimes still need my sister as if she is a security blanket. It's a twin thing.

As I lay there in silence, listening to the pattering of the rain against the window, my phone chimes.

I smile, because it's my sister.

Natalie: storm keeping you awake?

Samantha: how did you know?

Natalie: I could just tell.

Samantha: is it bad that I want you to come over right now?

Natalie: we were both thinking it. Want me to?

Samantha: if you bring snacks.

Natalie: okay, Sammie. See you in twenty. Don't fall asleep.

Samantha: you'll be fine. You have a key.

Natalie: on my way

I don't even turn any lights on in my apartment when Natalie gets here. We just go to my room and lay in my bed, still not able to fall asleep.

"Grayson wants me to go to the bar with the team," I say. "He said some of the wives and girlfriends will be there, but I don't know. Unless you came with me."

"I'm free," Natalie says. "If Grayson tries any bullshit, I'll set him straight."

"How did it come to this?" I ask. "We all used to be best friends, and now things are so different. I hate it. I hate it so much that I had a dream about being back in Nantucket, when we were still in high school."

"I miss it too," Natalie says.

"Maybe I should invite Ryan to the bar tomorrow," I say. "It has been a while since I've seen him. Maybe it'll make me less tense."

Ryan, the guy I've been hooking up with for a while now. We only really see each other every couple of weeks, and we're not exclusive or anything. But he definitely takes my mind off of certain things.

Natalie giggles. "Sometimes we all just need a good lay."

I laugh. "Ugh, how are things going for you?"

"I've still been seeing Stephan quite a bit. I honestly can see it becoming more serious in the future."

"Really?" I ask. "Natalie, that would be so great."

"He's just so nice, and he has the same family aspirations as I do."

"Awww, that sweet, Nat."

Natalie and I talk until the sun comes up. We talk about my situation with Grayson, and she helps me clear my head. After going to the diner for breakfast with her and Indy, I'm feeling a lot better.

I make it to Grayson's right around the time that he's back from the gym, so I order him some breakfast and a smoothie to be delivered.

Once he's gone to practice, I finish decorating the rest of the apartment. Then I tidy everything up and deep clean the kitchen and bathrooms (guest, half, and master). I actually head to the baseball park after I'm done to make sure Grayson's schedules are all set for the next couple of weeks. I get the flight information and travel schedule, and then I watch the team practice with some of the other assistants.

I do end up at the bar tonight. Luckily, it's the family-owned bar that Ethan owns and manages. Natalie shows up to hang out with me for a bit, and when I'm ready to leave, Ryan comes into the bar to take me home. I say goodbye to Ethan and then Natalie, and then I head out.

The last thing I see before the door closes behind me is Grayson trying to burn a hole through Ryan with his eyes.

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