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There was one day Penny hated the most in the entire week. Wednesdays.

Wednesdays were the days of the class spelling bees where everybody would line up on the whiteboard until one student remained. It was predictable who tended to win. Christian or Gilbert.

Penny stood beside Anne in front of the whiteboard. Penny herself didn't understand how she had lasted this long, being one of the only two girls still standing. She had to spell amorous. How did you spell amorous?

She looked towards Christian who began to mouth the words. "A-M-E-R—U?"

As soon as her brother began shaking his head and rolling his eyes, she knew she had gotten it wrong. Mr Phillips let out a loud groan, waving his long ruler at her. "Wrong. Sit down, Swanson."

Penny let out a sigh, walking back to her seat and slumping down beside Ruby. The blonde glanced behind her, to where Mr. Phillips stood gazing down at Prissy Andrews. "Spell gorgeous."

Penny looked away instantly, her upper lip curling in disgust. Not only was Mr. Phillips old, but he also wasn't the best looking. Penny had no idea why someone as gorgeous as Prissy would be interested in someone like him. Penny turned back to the front, missing as Moody sat down, leaving Christian, Gilbert and Anne standing.

Christian sat down after two rounds, leaving Anne and Gilbert. Penny watched as Gilbert continued looking over at Anne as the two spelled out words. Penny couldn't help but wonder, what did he think about Anne when he looked at her? And he had known Penny for years.

Did he ever think those things about her?

Penny smiled and clapped as Gilbert got his next word wrong, allowing Anne to win. Ruby turned towards Penny. "Gilbert's so smart, isn't he."

"Yeah, so smart," Penny replied, knowing full well he knew how to spell engagement.


"I got mine three months ago, and I feel extremely mature."

Penny furrowed her eyebrows. Anne had told the girls that morning that she had woken up with her period. Penny got hers a year ago, and knew how uncomfortable it was. She frowned as the girls went around telling their stories about it.

"You seem mature," Diana agreed.

Josie smiled at the compliments. "I think the boys take me more seriously too."

"But they can't tell?" Anne asked. "Can they? Oh, that would be awful."

"Not tell, but I'm not a little girl anymore and I believe that's noticeable." Josie smirked. "My bosoms are growing."

Penny scanned the girl over, raising an eyebrow at Josie's words despite her looking the same as she did last year. 

Penny glanced down at her own chest, knowing her body had changed since she was twelve and it wasn't as good as Josie made it to be. 

"Yet another reason this is inexplicable." Anne scowled.

"I got mine last year," Diana spoke up.

"Me too," Tillie said, earning a nod from Penny.

"Really?" Ruby asked the girls, breathing heavily.

Diana smiled. "My father has started opening the door for me. It's sweet."

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