Chapter 7

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James' POV

That asshole. His grip is so fucking strong, my ankles still ache a bit. I send him a quick glare before grabbing some clothes to change into. But the way he smirked down at me while gripping onto my ankles was no no do not think of that.


After getting dressed and ready for the day, we had about 15 minutes to spare until classes started. Luckily, according to our schedule, me and Orion had all our classes together.

"Soo..", he starts, " Wanna go back to that place from last night? I bet it as looks cool as fuck in the daylight as much as it did at night", he asks, grinning in excitement.

"Sure", I smile, it was so pretty during the night, especially the moon.

"Let's go then!!", he smiles, his white teeth on display. We start to walk to the place from last night, but we discover that some students are already there.

"Damn...there's too many people there right now, should we come back later?" He asks me, I nod my head.
"Yeah, way too many people", I agree.

We start walking around in comfortable silence until he speaks again, "Hey...did you ever really look at your schedule?", he asks me curiously.

"Nah, to be honest, I don't think anybody did", and I'm sure I was right, ain't nobody here gives a fuck.

"Well let's see how many classes we have together!", he suggests excitedly. I smile and nod my head, "Okay".

We take a look at our schedule but...there's no classes, only a notice in the middle of the page reading 'REPORT TO ROOM 191 FOR YOUR FIRST LESSON, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR ACTUAL SCHEDULES SOON AFTER THAT, THEN YOU WILL BE ESCORTED TO THE CAFETERIA FOR YOUR FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY'.

Me and Orion side-eye each other

"That's weird as fuck, why can't they just give us our schedules instead of this damn notice thingy?" he states, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Yeah, for real" I agree, my head nodding a tiny bit.
He gives me a small smirk, "Say...what do you think we should do? Skip all of that shit or go to it? Because I'm down for either."

I think for a few seconds, maybe a couple seconds too long because Orion and his smart ass mouth decide to speak up, "Wow, it almost looks like your forming a thought." I smack his arm and glare at him before chuckling, him laughing even harder.
"Okay, but for real though, I want to skip, but they're probably really strict on that type of shit, then we'd get caught and punished or whatever. But at the same time, I really don't wanna go.." I explain. He chuckles at my words, "You're thinking into it too much." He was right, sometimes I have a bad habit of that.
"Let's just go to it for today, if it's shit then we just won't go to the actual classes", he reasons, I nod my head and say, "Sounds good."

Eventually, it's time to go to the lesson that isn't really a lesson but more like a one-time class to explain shit to students before they start their actual classes. Room 191, this is it. I nervously look at Orion, which causes him to chuckle slightly, "You got anxiety or sum?", he asks.
Do I? My father never cared enough to take to a professional about that type of stuff. He doesn't believe in that type of stuff.
"Nah, just a bit nervous", I explain, which earns me a nod from him.

"Alright then, let's go in! I wanna see what tyle of shit they're gonna throw at us!", he smiles, his dark hair falling somewhat into his face, yet managing to look perfect.
"Kay, let's do it", I smile slightly. He opens the door and walks in, I follow after him.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile guys, I haven't been in the best mental state recently, and I've been stressed out by school. I've been taking some time to rest up and have finally got the determination to write! I'm super happy that people have been reading my story, and I even got a couple comments :D
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter which, I apologize, isn't the best but I hope you like it nonetheless! Don't forget to take care of yourselves! Thank you again :]

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