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trigger  warnings:     physical  abuse  mentions.    SA  mentions.      brusies.      blood.



SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND, or rather even remember how she stood on his doorstep in the pouring rain. Usually there were so many more people she'd run to first, but the boy next door seemed her safest option. Eyes not yet swollen but beginning to bruise. The taste of metal in mouth was a bright wake up call for an enamoured fifteen year old girl.

It had started with a party, as it always does on a random friday night in the middle of the school year, but it wasn't a party her friends or even the seniors at her school were throwing, no. Maddison Mcolloch was attending another schools party on the arm of her boyfriend. Chook, a moniker that he'd adopted from his mother could be a kind boy, and truthfully, Maddison had never seen any other side from him, he was seventeen, and her first real anything, but of course, Chook wasn't as nice as she thought, enamoured by the love bombing, by the sweetness he displayed, the young school girl with pretty blonde braids and bright blue eyes was ignorant to the malice that bubbled beneath the boys exterior display.

But this night, as her skin begs to be ripped from the muscle, as her legs ache and burn, when something that was sole hers to give was taken from her without care. Chook had done something to her, something that would ruin herself in her own eyes. So here she stood, eye makeup smeared across bruised and bloodied features as fingers tremble to knock upon the heavy wood door.

She couldn't go to Amerie or Harper, the sickening thought of their told you so pity looks, Sasha and Missy hadn't picked up their phones, her parents weren't even home, but that was nothing unusual, she didn't know where else to go, but she simply didn't want to be alone. A broken sob released from her throat as the outside light flickered to life, a relief washing over her as a tall, scrawny sixteen year old answered the door.

"Spider." her words trembled and caught the blonde off guard, and from that moment, things were about to change. His parents in their room in the other end of the large house, leaving a late night video game session with two other members of what little circle they had formed, Dusty and Ant, two bodies that as Spencer didn't return with the pizza as quick as expected went to investigate, only to find the soaking wet Maddison and Spider holding her tightly as she attempted to hide within his own skin.

"What the fuck?" Ant murmured, almost a whispered as shock crossed features. The girl in Spiders hold wasn't as close to them as she was the girls, hell, Spider had known her their whole lives, calling her Bug just as much as Ant was Ant and Spider was Spider, but they weren't this close. They were simply friends, the boys knew that she was dating Chook, but never thought much of it. Not like Amerie and Harper had consistently explained that it wasn't a good idea, but Maddison could be as stubborn as they come and simply ignored them.

Spider shook his head, the girl in his arms soaking through his thin shirt, with the rain and the tears she cried. He didn't know what to do, but the weight that had been thrown at him moments before had brought the pair to the floor where they sat and he let her cry. Heart wrenching sobs as trembling fingers gripped his shirt. "Should we call the girls?" He questions with wide eyes, but the rapidly shaking head against his chest said otherwise.

"Please don't." 

The three boys, as quiet as anything stared between each other, moving from face to face as they watched the blonde. Maybe it was the girls who did this. The girls fought all the time, Harper and Amerie especially, but usually it was never this bad, this was blood and bruises.

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