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IF IT HADN'T of been for the body behind her on the stair case staring at the wall, Bug was sure should would of tumbled back in shock, but the heavy weight of Spider's arm around her middle keeps her steady, but does not calm the rapid beating heart, does not calm the rise and fall of her chest as she pales at the text.

There was too many people, she felt like she was going to be sick. "I need to leave." She whispers, but it remains unheard and Spiders grip doesn't loosen enough for her escape and instead she begins to sag against him. The boys hadn't noticed the pale features of her skin, how she was staring at the wall but could no longer see it. They hadn't noticed at all as they laughed. 

It took a moment more before Spider turned to tease Ant about some wristy or something, she couldn't quite tell, but his grip loosened enough for her to move free of him, her back pack dropped at his feet as she ran from the stairwell, struggling to breathe. Someone had known something about what happened to her and Chook, sure it was innocent when written on the wall, nothing more than a fuck and dump, but it was so much more and it made her sick, Chook had ruined her. Despite the boys and their constant reassurance, she would never feel clean or enough for someone ever again.

She made it away from the crowd and to the bathrooms in record time, and that was barely enough time before the iced coffee that swirled in her stomach was brought back up and into the toilet bowl. When there was nothing left to bring back up, dry heaving she wiped at her mouth and sunk to the floor, sobbing. It had been years now, two or so now, she still didn't feel okay, she was still ruined and broken, she can't think otherwise. But it was brought to the attention of others now, she couldn't hide behind the idea that it didn't happen anymore.


"WHY DIDN'T YOU tell us?" He questions, amused by the entire situation, he didn't care who Ant got around with, it was two thousand and three after all, but it wasn't until Darren chimed in that he realised Bug had disappeared, he searched the wall for her name, linked to Dusty, Ant and himself, his own a thick gold line that he couldn't deny that he liked. "Where's Bug?"

It was then that he noticed the final white line that connected her name to another than no longer went to Hartley High, a name that all three boys hated so deeply, a name that haunted their girl so often. "Fuck, seriously, Bug!" He called, no longer interested in the map and that caught the attention of Dusty and Ant as the three of them made their way out of the stairwell. "I can't find her, she dropped her back pack and she was with me and then she must of seen the name." He explained as he moved towards the bathroom block, the two other behind him. "Bug!" He called. "Maddison!"

There was no return call from her, and he knew entering the girls bathroom would only see him in trouble, but this was Bug, there was no stopping him. "Bug!" he called once more before he dropped his own back pack and hers at the feet of Ant and Dusty, moving into the girls bathroom, there was no one in there, and the sobbing he knew was Bug, the cubicle door wide open as she sat with her head buried between his knees.

He moves like lightening, but still careful enough to alert her who it was. "Bug, babe. C'mon, let's get you outta here." He murmurs before he's helping her upwards, into his arms and they're out of the bathroom in seconds. "Breathe, c'mon." He takes her hands gently in his and places one on his chest, and the other against his cheek. "It's me, I'm here, Dusty and Ant are too, no one is going to hurt you, it's some bullshit, we're here. We got you."

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