Sunday March 3rd 224
Well, just woke up. On my tablet doing a little skit with branch.
So here what happened so far. Well. Hold up. Let me do a few things first became I decided it should be spot on.
I should do some stuff before getting scolded. I was finally able to wear Floyd's outfit today. Just waiting for it to stop being so windy. I'll check the forecast as well.
Love you~
Me: Hey guys what's up?
Branch: just chilling with my brothers.
Me: nice! Is is chaotic? Is anyone screaming? Throwing things? Any pranks from Clay?
Branch: Well, my brothers are arguing over a game of Monopoly.
Me: bro what? Why? My mom taught me how to play it. It was a trolls world tour one. Witch brothers are playing it?
Branch: Spruce and Clay.
Me; nailed it. What they fighting over?
Branch: how "go fish" the right way.
Me: bro what! Why? I didn't know there was a wrong way to play go fish. I played that when I was child, well when I was younger. I'm still a child but still not gonna be in two months I mean 2 years.
Branch: Clay thinks Spruce was cheating while Spruce said that he wasn't.
Me: how.....can I talk to Clay for a second?
Clay: Hi!
Me: Hey. Heard your calling Spruce a cheater of some sort? (I said John but it was spruce) I used to play go fish when I was younger. I don't think you can cheat. And have you seen em do anything sneaky?
John Dory: HA! Told you Clay! You can't cheat on "go fish"
Me; bro what? Yeah, seriously. If there is no 4k cam around he can't cheat. So there. John your fine. And Clay, don't be a baby.
Clay; yeah, your right.
Me; wow....your actually confessing to it. Well alright then. Problem solved. Now I guess you both can go back to it. Just font call anyone a cheater without seeing anything sus. And please if you can....try your best not to fight. I don't think branch likes it. Well, I get very sensitive with that stuff as it hurt my family a lot eh whatever doesn't matter.
Clay: Okay, er won't fight too much and your right.
Me; thanks. *goes back to branch who's sitting on the couch* you thinking of anything interesting?
Branch: actually I've been thinking of baking a cake.
Me; ooo can I join? Also what type of cake?
And that's where it ended. Yet waiting for a response. So this is fun and all.
So let's aee where this goes.
It's like a real life wattpad book you all!!!! Eeeek. And it's so spot on!!!!!😆😆😆.
Its swagnificiant.
I don't know how to spell it.
Anyways. Dunno what I'm gonna be doing.
Love you~
Sorry. Just been busy. Just cleaning and all. We're going to order out. I'm doing pasta. Also I'm seeing the glove trotters again.
And the funny thing is that I was taking to rachle about it going again.
I could watch them all day if I wanted to.
Anyways. Not much. Me and my birth mom took my dog but we had to turn around cause she couldn't go far. I told her she could go and I just went ahead but I ended going back to her cause I just didn't wanna leave her. Si yeah. We walked back ourselves.
Dad was Barky today. Didn't eat much. Lol. I gave my birth mom some money cause she needed it. She wanted a ten but I gave her a 20 I didn't know I had. She needed it more then I did.
I'm on a walk currently.
Yeah I walk a lot. Mainly to get freedom and fresh air. And I love nature and all. Not like creek where everything is based off of nature🙄
My ass ain't that stupid.
Well, got nothing else to say. I think we're getting more warm days this week. I hop. My next outfit I'm getting from Clay.
Love you~
We just ate and we're taking Mary to her place and I gotta use the bathroom lol.
Well, we're heading back now. Good weekend. Anyways. Nothing from clay. Just thought about that. I'll re ask.
But dunno when he'll answer.
I'm also updating another book. Currently and also this and answering comments and messages so I can take it.
Anyways. Also my dad called the police cause this man was on the side of the road off to the side no lights or anything. Sitting down in between his car and the white line on the line and could easily get killed.
I'm thinking he was depressed or something. I've been in that state. Imm tell branch about this. He'd would wanna know.
Anyways. The police were on their way probably over there by now helping he poor guy out. Also forgotten to add. He was either in dark brown or a black jacket just sitting there.
He was lucky my dad saw em.
We're on the highway he was on so we'll pass him. God please let this man be alive and well.
I think we saved a life guys.
Anyways. Until then
Love you~
I'm going on a walk. But to wrap this up. The guy was supposing gone. Probably drove off or we don't know.
Anyways. Home uhhh still working on the book. It's gonna take longer then I thought it would.
Love you~