Turn Off My Senses

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The next morning, Mr. Mistoffelees yawned awake seeing Tugger sprawled across the floor in a deep sleep. Munkustrap seemed to be long gone, so Misto shuffled up to lay his head on Tugger's chest. Misto was overcome with warmth, purring and squirming, loving this sense of calm. That was, until his purring and squirming had awoken Tugger, who wiggled a stretch from under Misto. "Where's Munk?" He asked through a yawn. Misto looked sheepishly from waking him up with his excitement. "He was gone when I woke up. I hope he went to Demter." Tugger arched his back, "I hope so too. They need some time together."
Misto gasps, realizing he forgot to say something. "Actually I ran into Demeter last night while fetching the water. She was searching for Munk, she was also dreadfully worried about him." Tugger grew concerned, "Well, of course, anyone would be, he's a mess. What did you say?" Misto scooted closer to Tugger, sitting up next to him. "I told her Munk was with you and that he was overwhelmed from the appearance of Macavity. She showed her concern, but voiced to me that she knew he would feel the need to comfort her and so opted out of coming to give Munk a chance to relax and calm down without exerting himself anymore. I didn't say anything because I got nervous and I also know how defensive Munk is of Demeter, so it made sense."
"He might have gone to the open area to clean up that part of the junkyard after the ball. I'm sure Demeter knows where to find him." With that, Tugger started standing up, dusting off his amazingly fluffy coat and headed towards the door. "Wait, Tugger! Where are you going?" Tugger did a pivot turn back to Misto. "Wherever I please! Just gonna fumble my way around until I want to sleep again, try to find something to eat, or wait till I'm offered." Tugger sauntered up to Misto to give him some head scratches when he had the sudden urge to just drop down and squat next to Misto to invite him on his day's adventures.
"Um- I dunno, Tug. I don't want to ruin your flow." Tugger just let out one cackle before looking completely serious, or as serious as Tugger gets, again. "Nonsense! Nothing can ruin my flow. In fact, a wing man is just the thing I need to keep me company, Mistoffelees." Misto let out a huge grin and took Tug's offered hand to help him stand out as they both walked back from the spot they slept in.
First they rounded the corner to see three cats in the distance, Jennyanydots, Jellylorum, and Bombalurina. They seemed to be preparing a spot for the kittens together. Jelly loves her job of taking care of the kittens... and Gus, and Jenny and Bomba were always happy to help with that. It was a girl's kind of activity. Tugger slid right into their conversation, Misto toddling behind him, trying to keep up pace with his shorter legs. "Wowzers queens! Whatcha doing in this abandoned trash can? This place is too cold for the kittens. Try the mattress guarded by the hubcap pile a few rows back." Jelly jolted up, "Oh, wow, yeah! I was so focused on over head cover from the rain, I totally didn't think of how cold and stiff it would be to sleep in here. Thanks Tugger!" Tugger did a dramatic spin, dropping down like it was hot, before coming back up with a thrust of his hips. "No problem at all, ladies. Jenny, taking off for a while?"
Jenny totted towards Tugger, "Why yes, my tattoo can wait. I want to make sure that there's a space for new kits." Misto peered from behind Tugger, "Who's kits are they?" This caused Bomba to stumble back. "Ah! Mr.Mistoffelees! I didn't see you there. I was actually looking for you near your usual sleeping spot. I wanted to congratulate and thank you for saving Old Duet last night. So heroic!" This got Misto all blushy and shy, retreating to his spot back behind Tugger. "Gosh, well, thanks." Jelly and Bomba giggled at his faltering before Jenny, oblivious to what was happening, answered Misto's question. "It's Cassandra and Alonzo's kitten's. They've been wanting to for a while now, but didn't know if they had the space. We told them not to worry and that we'd find a space!"
Tugger sashayed to Bomba, booping her nose and standing behind her, wrapping his arms around his neck. "And where's your group of kittens, Bomba?" She playfully flirted with Tugger, teasing him by wrapping her tail around his waist. "You know I haven't found a date yet." Tugger kept playing along and bent down to purr into the side of her face. "I'm surprised a nice well rounded tom hasn't come to mate with you yet." Bomba kinda scooted away at this point. "I- I just want to focus on helping with the kittens that aren't mine right now. Gus needs me, I'll find a mate when the time is right."
Although Tugger was a very pushy person, he knew when folks got uncomfortable and when to stop. Suppose that's one of the perks of growing up with the Mister Mistoffelees. "Okie Dokie then, Misto and I have better things to do than this and I already told you the perfect spot, so you're done anyway. We'll catch ya queens later!" They said their good-byes and Tugger practically dragged Misto with how fast he was.
The pair started heading towards the scrapped cars in the junkyard when Tugger heard strange noises.  It was kinda like a "bubububub" sound, but it sounds like- he looked down to see Misto petting his own chest fur up and down as he repeated this "bub" noise, inflating his cheeks as he did so. "Whatcha doing there, Quaxo?" Misto was quite startled and jumped at the sudden noise. "Quaxo? What's that name?" Tugger snickered, "Just thought it'd be a cute little nickname for you." Misto got a bit hissy, "I'm not some swing! I like to think I'm the main character of something." "Something? Like a story? You're so silly Quaxo!"
Just then, a group of kittens turned the corner and caught sight of, at the time, just Tugger. Led clearly by Etcetera, followed closely behind by Electra and about 7 to 8 other kittens, they all started skipping their way towards them. At the same time, from an old dresser, came Bill Bailey, who, from his angel, spotted both Tugger and Misto. He was able to reach them first since he was closer. "Hey! Misto, I love how brave you were last night. I noticed you haven't found a mate yet. If you'd like, I'd love to give you your first go-" He nuzzled Misto's shoulder, brushing his fur the wrong way. This interaction made Mr.Mistoffelees feel all kinds of out of sorts. As he was getting affection from Bill Bailey, the rest of the queen kittens finally got to Tugger, who didn't mind letting them hang from his arms and hug around his legs. They meowed like crazy whenever he spoke a word. They clung to it all like that was the closest thing they were getting to a mate.
Misto didn't dare move. He knew he was caught by BB. That was until one of the kittens finally looked away from Tugger long enough to notice the tuxedo cat right behind him. She let go of Tugger, falling to the ground and scurrying to his feet, batting her front paws to his hind paws that were trapped under this kitten's leg. This sudden divergence from Tugger perked this interest of the other kittens, slowly looking up from Tug and taking in the scene. One practically screamed, dropping to the dirt before leaping into Misto and trying to hold onto him the same way. The rest of the kittens followed suit as Tugger tried to keep his balance from the sudden pushing off of his torso.
"Uh, yes! The magical Mister Mistoffelees! He's even cuter up close!" One of the kittens gawked as she licked Misto's elbow. "I want you to be my hero~" Etcetera chimed in, rubbing against Misto's back in a similar way that Tugger did to Bomba before. The only difference is they both enjoyed it and they both agreed on that type of play. Mistoffelees on the other hand agreed to nothing of the sort. He hated strangers, he hated touch, he hated how dirty they made his coat feel and how they spread his fur in opposite directions.
As Misto's breathing picked up, he squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his paws then his face and one thing after another until his whole body was tense under the grazes of the kittens. He let his hearing turn to static, like a tv that was unplugged from its cable box. He focused on the feel of the tears breaking through his tight eyelids rolling down his cheeks. How wet they were, how salty, how fast they went and where they ended up dripping off of his face.

What's Wrong With Me? (Tugstoffelees) Cats the MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now