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Hello there I know I am last to post, I really apologize for that I am trying my best to give it my time

Purple you all and thanks alot for support


Reader's POV

As Y/N and Jimin traversed the celestial landscapes of the angel world, a nagging question tugged at the corners of Y/N's mind, begging to be addressed. She turned to Jimin, her voice hesitant as she broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on her heart.

"Jimin," she began softly, her gaze searching his eyes for answers, "can you... can you tell me about our past? About how we were separated?"

Jimin's eyes softened with understanding as he met Y/N's gaze, his expression mirroring the depth of her longing for the truth. "It's a story of love and betrayal," he replied, his voice a gentle murmur in the serene surroundings of the angel world. "A tale that began in the depths of the angel realm, where our souls first intertwined."

He recounted the echoes of their shared past, painting a vivid picture of their once-boundless love and the radiant joy they had found in each other's presence. But alongside the beauty of their connection lurked the shadows of betrayal and heartache, woven into the fabric of their shared history.

"Our love was a beacon of light in a world consumed by darkness," Jimin continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "But it drew the attention of those who sought to tear us apart, to extinguish the flame of our passion."

Y/N's heart clenched at the thought of the forces that had conspired to keep them apart, her chest tight with the weight of unspoken emotions. "What happened?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, as if afraid of what she might uncover.

"It was a time of great turmoil," Jimin began, his voice steady yet tinged with sadness. "A time when the fabric of our love was tested beyond measure."

He described the idyllic days of their youth, when their love had bloomed like a rare flower in the celestial realm. Their bond had been unbreakable, their hearts intertwined in a dance of pure devotion.

"But our happiness was short-lived," Jimin continued, his voice faltering slightly as he recalled the events that had shattered their world. "For forces beyond our control conspired to tear us apart."

He spoke of the battles they had fought, both against external foes and the demons within their own hearts. Each blow had left its mark, each wound a painful reminder of the trials they had endured.

"And yet, through it all, our love endured," Jimin said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "But then came the ultimate betrayal, the moment when everything we had fought for was ripped away from us."

As he spoke, the scene around them began to shift and warp, the tranquil surroundings giving way to a landscape of chaos and destruction. Y/N and Jimin stood at the center of the maelstrom, their faces etched with pain as they faced their final battle.

They fought with all their strength, their love a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume them. But in the end, it was not enough. Their bond was shattered, their hearts broken asunder by the weight of their pain.

And as they stood amidst the ruins of their once-perfect love, a sense of loss hung heavy in the air. The injuries they had endured, both physical and emotional, were scars that would never fully heal.

But then, in a heart-wrenching twist, Jimin revealed the final, devastating blow. Y/N's own father, a figure of authority in the angel world, had orchestrated their downfall. He had wielded his influence to erase all traces of their love from Y/N's consciousness, forcing her to forget the love they had shared.

The realization hit Y/N like a physical blow, her heart breaking all over again as she grappled with the magnitude of the betrayal. The memories of their love, once so vivid and dear, were now nothing but fragments, scattered to the winds of time.

As tears filled her eyes, Y/N turned to Jimin, her voice barely a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of what had been taken from her.

"Why?" she whispered, her voice trembling with anguish. "Why would they do such a thing?"

Jimin's eyes mirrored her pain as he reached out to cup her face in his hands, his touch was a cure to her shattered soul.

"Because our love was too powerful, too dangerous," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "But even as they tried to tear us apart, they could never erase the love that still burns within our hearts."


A/n:- enough for today 🙂 hope you like this chapter ❣️

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