Ex. 2

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1 week later

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1 week later...

"Omg that's the girl who got beat to death " I heard as I walked into the school which made me ignore what they were saying and continue my day and any regular day

"Y'all need to grow up and shut the hell up" I heard which made me turn my head and see Tyla mugging the girls who were gossiping about me and walk towards me with her brother Ty behind her

"Girl you good?" She asked me as I nodded and smiled

"Good, cause if anybody got a problem with you, we definitely can get it situated right mfn now" She said eyeing Lacey, the school biggest hoe who walked past me

"Girl bye, ty I called you last night" Lacey said to tyla's brother ty as he mugged her

"And you wanna know what, guess what I did for your loose pussy ass; declined it bitch" Ty said while pushing her out his way and going about his day

"Waittttt Ty, baby I'm sorry" Lacey said as her cries could be heard throughout the school hallway which made me shake my head cause the girl is very delusional I see

"Lucky us, we have all the same classes together" Tyla said as I smiled cause I'll have someone to at least sit beside and have conversation with

"That's good" I said while we both smiled and went to our classes throughout the whole day.

Few hours later: End of School

"Girl you should've seen the professor's face when I said he need to go get some pussy instead of worrying about if I've did some lame ass project, he wasn't even grading fr" Tyla explained to me as we waited for her older brother to come get her and her brother ty

"You have guts, cause I would've just did the project" I said while she laughed

"Trust me, I'm gone get you right but in a good way though" She said as I smiled but soon enough we heard a loud car just to see her brother Zeus pulled up in his car

"Do you need a ride?" She asked me before walking off as I looked around the parking a lot to see my dad has yet to pull up to come get me from school

"Yeah" I said lowly which made her nod and go to her brothers car which made him roll the window down and telling me to come on and I nodded getting in the car with them

"Thank you" I said to their older brother Zeus while he looked in his mirror and smiled nodding

"You straight ma" Zeus said while pulling off from our school and heading into the direction of my house.

15 minutes later: Kyla's House

"Damn, you got a nice house" I heard her Tyla brother Ty say which made me thank him as his brother Zeus came to a stop in my driveway only to see my uncle Rick and my father looking our direction

He must of knew Zeus car, cause he didn't do much but look and go back to his conversation with my uncle Rick before I hopped out Zeus car I told Tyla I'll see her later since it was Friday.

"See ya bestieeee" I heard her say as I closed Zeus door and walked up my driveway to my uncle Rick and father only to be harassed by my uncle Rick, did I mention he's the most protective outta my mama's side of the family

"Who is that nigga" Uncle Rick asked as I gave him a side hug as he watched Zeus pull out our driveway

"That's dad worker Zeus, he gave me a ride since dad forgot again" I said pouting while looking at my dad

"Sorry princess, work got the best of me along with your uncle Rick" He said while I accepted his apology cause I understand cause he's a busy man

"Don't blame me, for you forgetting my damn niece nigga" Uncle Rick said while mugging my father with a fat cigar in his hand

"Well I am nigga" My father said while giving me a hug and telling me that mom cooked before she went off to work and I nodded

I walked inside, and took my shoes off by the door and put my slides on while heading to the kitchen grabbing some gushers and heading upstairs to my room to clean it from this week.

I walked inside, and took my shoes off by the door and put my slides on while heading to the kitchen grabbing some gushers and heading upstairs to my room to clean it from this week

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