my heart will never feel.

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Embarrassment washed over her like a huge wave of water. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, as if her chest was tightening. She tried to make any sound, but nothing came out. She just stood there, filled with horror. The TV static noise filled her ear drums.

A voice pierced the static, "Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic? But that's absolutely absurd! The student selection process has not failed once in its century of existence!" It was Crowley. The embarrassment continued to build. It was truly all her fault, in her eyes. She stood there with her hands clenching.

Grim was struggling and gasped, "ME! Let ME have this student's place! I'll be a better mage then they ever will be!" And she knew, deep in her heart, that Grim was right. That's what she believed. That Grim was right. The tears welling in her eyes threatened to burst at any moment. She wiped her eyes swiftly.

"Look, I'll show you! My spells are the cat's meow!" Grim said before a burst of fire emerged. Y/N knew she had to act.

"Get down!" The red headed boy screamed. She dashed towards the boy with red eyes. The fire was going directly towards him. She tackled him and pulled him downwards; which made him narrowly avoid being scorched by Grim's flames. She glared at Grim. Hurting other people so he could gain something? Gaining something at someone else's expense was something she hated.

"Somebody catch that animal before it sets the school into flames!" Crowley shouted. It was clear that this was an order, not a question. She gently let go of the red eyed boy and smiled at him. "Thank you!" He said to her. She smiled and nodded again before she got back up.

"Ugh. Can I go now, or...?" The boy with lion ears said lazily. It was painfully obvious that he didn't wanna be here.

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