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"I can't believe you're downgrading in the ranking like that, Taehyung-ah.." Seokjin mumbles, confusion written all over his face as he stares at the boy in front of him.

It has been two days and he just heard the news from Jimin, so only naturally he rushed to his other friend to talk to him about the matter.

"How in the world did that manage to happen? You were so close to the same rank as Namjoon's!" He continues, causing the smaller angel to cower in shame.

"I─I don't know, hyung. I guess my mind has been occupied with other thoughts lately.." Taehyung admits, shrugging.

Seokjin frowns, "How come you're starting to slack off like this? Are you feeling alright? You know you can always talk to me, right?"

Nibbling on his bottom lip, Taehyung nods reluctantly, knowing that he cannot talk to his friends about this.

He can always come to them to talk about literally anything at all, but this─ this crossed a line he should've never been anywhere near in the first place.

What is there for him to say, anyway? Yes, he has made more mistakes in the last two weeks than he ever has in his entire life. He can admit that much.

But only the mere consideration of the idea that he might be hardcore crushing on the worst possible individual of all times makes him revolt.

That, he can not admit.

Not to himself, not to anyone.

"I.. I guess I'm alright, hyung. I've just been thinking a lot lately, that's it,"

Another lie─ two of them. He is far from alright and he hasn't been thinking much at all, rather he has been making mistake upon mistake and having dreams about─

"Actually, I still have some things to do, hyung. I'm just gonna.. go, if you don't mind." He sighs, not bothering to wait for a response before he heads into the opposite direction.

He heads over to someplace desolated and quiet, squatting down and letting himself fall down on his butt.

Pulling his knees up to his chest, he wraps his arms around his legs and hides his face away, feeling terrible.

He groans in annoyance when something pricks at him. Stuffing his hand into his pocket, his eyes widen in realisation.

Pulling it out, he hastily glances around to make sure he really is alone before he casts his eyes down at what he is holding.

A black feather with a red end.

The one Jeongguk gave him in exchange for one of his own, although not voluntarily.

He presses his lips into thin lines, staring at it while visualising the man.

And, God, does he hate the way his heart picks up its pace and flutters in his chest.

However, he hates himself the most for being unable to dislike the alluring temptation.

The way his dark eyes shine in mischief, his locks ever so slightly falling in front of his orbs. His stupidly attractive smirk, and genuinely the most taunting yet seductive voice.

Other people have called him a little angel before, but when the devil says it, it sounds tempting, ridiculously sweet. Almost like the forbidden fruit, and yet he fears he won't be able to stop himself from wanting to take a bite.

It really is no lie that people tend to be more attracted to that what they can't have, but that's the entire problem for Taehyung─ he doesn't want to want him, he doesn't want to feel attracted to the other and he certainly doesn't want to have him.

It is so, so wrong, it goes against literally everything he stands for and resembles. 

And yet he can't help but feel like he is worthy when the devil's eyes are fixated  upon him. As if his stare means he is desired, lovable in certain ways he secretly craves for but could never have due to the department he's in.

He's in Heaven.

And in Heaven, there is no such thing as lust, craving or certain kinds of fondness.

So with that, he sticks his hand through the cloud he is sitting on, his fingertips letting go of the feather in the hope of putting an end to whatever tension it is between the two of them before it gets the chance to escalate.

He stands back up, rids himself of non-existent dust and takes a deep breath in─ plasters a smile upon his face and with that he intends on proceeding with his usual duties, wanting to go on with his life like normal.

Heading over towards the hall where prayers are heard and answered, he greets fellow angels who are doing their job and aligns himself in the row.

His eyes watch as giant tubes hand out tiny papers with names, only for an angel to recieve them to be able to hear what the humans in the real word are asking and hoping for.

God can only handle so many prayers at once, and that's where the angels come in.

After patiently waiting for his turn, he is next in line.

His hand takes a hold of what he is given after scanning the name, and he steps aside, folding his hands around it and closes his eyes.

An abrupt smile appears on his face when the faint, happy voice of a little boy echoes in his mind.

Dear God,

My parents said that if I behave well enough, we might be getting a puppy!
I just wanted to let you know that I've been doing good, so could you pretty please tell my parents to buy Goofy? I've already picked out that name! It's cute, right?

I have to go now, my mom is calling me for a surprise! I'll get back to you later.

Bye bye!

He laughs softly and his eyes turn into crescents. He shakes his head, finding it absolutely adorable.

He discards the small piece of paper and aligns himself back in the row, fulfilling his duty of the day.

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