chapter 2

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The ride to the meeting was tense, at least for the teachers it was

For the students, not so much. They were chatting and having the time of their lives. Because frankly, they didn't understand or found anything odd

It wasn't like they knew anything about the jujutsu society that well

But their teachers were silently panicking. Well, Haibara at least was. Gojo was kinda hesitant, Nanami and Geto were stressed

It took them about half an hour or reach their destination

"We're here, "

Ijichi and Nitta announced. Nitta drove the students and Ijichi was the one who drove the teachers

As everyone got out of the car, the students noticed their teachers were a little too quiet. They looked stressed

Megumi and Yuta were about to ask but Ijichi didn't let them. He just kept urging them to go inside

So they didn't have any other choice other than going inside. Getting in the room, everyone was left a bit baffled

There were at least 30 people in the room, along with Tengen-sama. who looked really serious

Gojo and Geto looked at each other, sharing a knowing worried look

"Come on in, we all are gonna be needing you here"

One of the higher ups said, ushering all of them to sit down

"Sukuna "

Yuji whispered yelled at his twin, who just hummed, looking around attentively

"I have a very bad feeling about this "

Yuji said, a little confused and concerned

"For the first time in these 17 years of my life, I agree with you, brat. Don't worry though... I'm here"

Sukuna replied, looking around while Yuji looked relaxed. He had faith in his twin brother. He knows he won't let anything happen to him

They all sat down

It was quiet for a moment before Tengen cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention

"So I know all of you are curious as to why you were called so urgently"

They all nodded, still not knowing how to feel about this whole situation

"Are any of you married here?"

To say the teachers were caught off guard would be an understatement. They had wide eyes filled with disbelief while the students (except Yuta as he took was shocked, knowing how meetings went)  looked confused

"I am..."

Somehow Haibara was able to come out of his shock in time to show them his marriage certificate. They took a look and nodded their heads

"So will you tell us why are we here? Or why did you brought the students here!?"

Gojo asked with a harsh tone, having enough of this bullcrap

Geto squeezed his arms to make him stop he smiled and apologized on Gojo's behalf

"Anyways, did you know about the Uzui clan?"

One of the higher ups asked

The students obviously didn't know much about it. Neither many of the teachers. There were only three people who did know about the clan

Sukuna, Gojo and Geto

"Uzui... The Shinobi clan.. is it that one you're talking about? The one that almost went burnished in the tashio era?"

Sukuna asked, frowning his eyebrow, trying to remember more but nothing came up

"Yes... So if you know that much, you'll know about Uzui Tengen too, I assume?"

The three nodded again

"Yes... As much as I've read about him, he was a demon slayer from the tashio era. The sound hashira as much as I can remember "

They nodded again

"Yes, Uzui Tengen was the sound hashira. He had fought with many demons and was the last living being of Shinobi clan "

They nodded again, now more invested to get to know more about this matter rather than anything else

"The Uzui clan contained many people just like any other clan of the demon slayers back in the tashio era. But now, there is only one living being left from the Uzui clan, Uzui Erika "

One of the higher ups explained

Before Tengen finally started to talk

"Uzui Erika... Is an interesting individual. She's the last person in the world who can use the breathing techniques of the demon slayers of the tashio era and is the current leader of the demon slayer corps"

Geto quietly analysised everything that came out of their mouths. He himself was quite a big fan of the demon slayers. He always read about them and it's completely fascinating to him

Like they fought with demons and now this generation had to fight with curses

"She's also a very influential person. She's the exicutive and only commander of the many clans of demon slayer corps like Kocho, Rengoku and Kanroji. She's also known as one of the most rich diamond merchants in the world. People say she's the richest female in the world "

"Okay, why are you telling us this Now!?"

Nanami demanded in a annoyed voice. This was really getting on his nerves. Not for himself but for the students

He won't mind anything happening to him, but he can risk the lives of his precious students

"Before coming to the main purpose of your summon, I'll like to tell you she'd been very generous with us sorcerers. She basically paid for most of the things and researches here in Jujutsu high. And the power she holds, it's not a joke either. She's a special grade sorcerer too along with Tsukomo. "

Everyone nodded their heads again, Gojo noticed how Ijichi was not meeting his eyes and looking downwards. He knew then something bad is about to happen

"Well, it's a tradition in the Uzui clan to have atleast three wives/husbands. And as she is of age, she is looking for her future husbands. Though she lives in Russia and Saudi Arabia most of the time because of her business, she decided to marry men from Japan, for traditional purposes"

Gojo, Geto, Sukuna, Yuta, Megumi and Nanami widened their eyes. Their hearts almost stopped as they felt their blood run cold. They knew were this was going and was just prying to the heavens to not do this to them now

"So we have offered to arrange her suitors that she can choose from. And we decided it will be you since we want to make the future generations more strong with the inherited cursed techniques"

There was it, the thing they feared for

Cue Gojo and Sukuna went ballistic

"Like hell we will, you fucking rotten shits"

Roared the king of curses

"Who the fuck do you think you are to take such a dicition for us!?"

Gojo said said as he roughly hit table, creating a cracker

Cue everything went down hills in no time

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