Another Time, Another Place Part 1

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Another Time, Another Place...

Fifteen year old Wednesday Addams was sitting uncomfortably on a private plane as she watched her parents: Morticia and Gomez sing to one another. Morticia then glanced at Wednesday and saw her giving a deadly glare. Morticia remained calm as she said, "Wednesday... when are you going to stop giving us the cold shoulder?" Gomez then leaned forward in his seat as he said, "Don't fret Wednesday. I promise, you are going to love Nevermore Academy." A confused looking Wednesday then said, "I am confused why we're taking a plane to reach the ruins of a destroyed institution. If I'm not mistaken, Nevermore Academy was mysteriously burned down a month ago right outside the town of Jericho." Morticia remained calm as she said, "It was. However, Nevermore has multiple smaller branch locations for outcasts all around the world. So we're taking you to one of the satellite locations run by an old friend of mine in Tokyo, Japan." Then Wednesday kept a deadpan face as she said, "Well... I suppose it was only inevitable that my life choices would lead me to deportation..."

Tokyo Television Presents:


Episode 1 - A New Beginning! Punishment is Full of Woe!

Principal Weems led Wednesday, Morticia, and Gomez into a dorm room. Inside the dorm room, Wednesday's eyes widened at the sight of a large rainbow colored stain glass window, along with tons of manga inspired plush toys sitting all over the room. Suddenly, a blonde girl with pink and blue highlights in her hair, big excited eyes, and a white and blue Japanese school girl outfit: jumped up from a nearby chair, ran over to Wednesday and excitedly yelled, "Kon'nichiwa rūmī!" Principal Weems then calmly said, "Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair. Enid, can you show Wednesday around the school?" An excited Enid then said, "Hai! So nice to meet you Wednesday-chan. Are you feeling okay? You look a little... pale." Gomez then calmly said, "Wednesday always looks half dead." Morticia then politely said, "Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to color." Enid's eyes however stay fixated on Wednesday as she looked at her lovingly while saying, "It's okay Wednesday-chan. You don't need any color on you... since you already look so beautiful." Wednesday suddenly looked a little caught off guard, as she began to blush and said, "Ummm..." Then Wednesday turned her head away from Enid (and thus hid her blushing cheeks), and then said, "Will... will you please show me around this campus?" A very excited Enid jumped up and yelled, "Hai!"

A short time later, Enid was showing Wednesday around the Japanese Nevermore Academy campus as she said, "And so there's most of the school. Now I would like to know if you can clear some things up. Rumors are swirling that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled strings to get you off." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Actually it was two kids; but they started it when they hurt my brother. What they did was unforgivable." Then suddenly, Enid's friend Yoko ran over to Enid and said, "Enid-chan. You left your math test in the classroom this morning. Here it is." Enid quickly took the test from Yoko as she said, "Oh... um... dōmo arigatō." Yoko then walked away, as Enid quickly tried to toss the math test into a nearby trash can. Wednesday however quickly retrieved the test from the trash can and looked at it as she said, "A thirty percent on what seems to be an important math test." Enid suddenly got angry as she said, "Hey! That math test is not of your concern." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Perhaps if you applied yourself to your studies as much as you do to this school's gossip and your meaningless social media pages; you'd actually find a way to improve your academic standing. Now if you excuse me... I'm going to challenge the captain of the fencing team." Wednesday then walked away as a frustrated Enid said, "Rrrr. The snarky goth girl is so annoying... but is kind of cute."

The Passion of a Moment: Wednesday and EnidWhere stories live. Discover now