Solo Sé Tu Mismo

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Wednesday and Enid lay naked in bed together, as Wednesday in a straight forward tone said, "Well, actually... I believe I'm pregnant." Enid's eyes widened, and with confusion and panic: she yelled, "WHAT!?" Wednesday then sat up as she again in a straight forward tone said, "I said I believe I'm pregnant." As Enid looked shocked and panicked, she said, "I know what you said, but... HOW!? I mean when did... how could... did you cheat on me?" Then Wednesday held up an empty vile near the bed as she said in a matter of fact tone: "Of course not. My mother gave me a special formula that is secreted by rare plants in her garden. When the formula is combined with the DNA of two individuals regardless of gender within the body of a woman, it causes an instantaneous pregnancy to begin. I ingested the formula right before our recent sexual intercourse began, and considering I ingested fluids released from your body during our intercourse: it would now stand to reason that I have become pregnant." Enid then began to look incredibly nervous, as her arms shook. Enid then stood up, walked several steps away from the bed, and then turned to look at Wednesday as she yelled, "Why the hell would you do that!? Why didn't you tell me what you were doing!? If you really did have the ability to get pregnant from me, then why wouldn't you tell me!?"

Wednesday looked slightly confused as she plainly said, "I thought this information would please you. We have both agreed to get married soon, we both having promising careers and our own home that shall soon be ours, we shall both be eighteen years old within nine months, and you had just recently consented to wanting to be a mother one day." Then a very frustrated and slightly angry looking Enid said, "But you just don't make yourself unexpectedly pregnant like this. Did you even consider if I wanted to have kids now? And also... did you even consider if I wanted to be the one who got pregnant?" Wednesday raised one eyebrow, and then plainly said, "Enid, you would indeed enjoy raising a child, but would find great discomfort at birthing one. You get squeamish when exposed to moderate levels of discomfort, thus the sheer pain from child birth would be extremely unpleasant for you. I, on the other hand... would find that painful experience to be sensationally delightful."

Then an angry Enid began to put her underwear and clothes on as she said, "That's not the point! What just happened when we had sex... it wasn't consensual!" Then a confused Wednesday plainly said, "But our sex was consensual." Then as Enid finished putting her clothes on, she now looked furious as she said, "Wednesday... just... Arrrgh! I try so very hard to be open minded with you, to accept you as you are, to see what your true intentions are behind your seemingly cold demeanor... But this... this is too much! Why do you always have to just be yourself all of the time!?" Then a fully clothed Enid left the dorm room and slammed the door behind her. Wednesday meanwhile remained in bed with a blank look on her face. Then soon, Wednesday sat with her knees up, and then wrapped her arms around her knees as she had a confused and slightly saddened look on her face.


On a cloudy day, Enid was walking through the woods while wearing a long pink sweater. Enid soon approached a lake and looked at it. Enid made a brief small smile, and then walked over to a very large tree. Enid then saw carved into the tree were the words: Solo sé tu mismo. Enid then touched the tree with one hand, and then closed her eyes as she sighed...


~Four Years Ago:

Enid was stepping out of a log cabin near the lake with her mother while holding her cell phone out. An annoyed looking Enid then said, "Uggh. Internet speeds are so slow out here. Mom, why did we have to pick this spot to go camping!?" Enid's mother smiled as she said, "Because the great outdoors are where the earliest werewolves in our family were born. Besides, they say fresh air and lots of trees help stimulate the parts of the body that help you 'wolf out' for the first time. Then once you do, there are lots of great mountains around here that are fun to howl atop." Then a skeptical looking Enid said, "If that's true, then why did you and dad only bring me along?" Enid's mother looked out at the horizon of trees as she said, "Well... your brothers are busy chasing she-wolves in Oregon; so I decided to give them some space. Anyway, your father and I are gonna wolf out and do some running and howling this afternoon." Then a frustrated Enid said, "So what am I supposed to do? You wouldn't let me bring any of my electronics except for my phone; and I can barely get a signal with it." Then Enid's mother began to walk away as she said, "I'm sure you'll find something to do." Enid then kicked a rock nearby, as she said, "Uggh."

The Passion of a Moment: Wednesday and EnidWhere stories live. Discover now