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I just stood there, frozen. Alex fell to the ground, and I couldn't move. His body crumpled like a puppet with no strings. I screamed, loud and scared. I couldn't believe it.  I stumbled forward, my legs shaking. I fell to my knees next to him, reaching out. He was cold. Tears ran down my face. I looked up at the sky, feeling lost. I screamed again, trying to make sense of it all.

But nothing changed. The world stayed silent. And there I was, kneeling, feeling like everything had changed forever. Until suddenly I heard footsteps approaching. I turned my head, my vision blurry from tears, and saw a figure wearing a mask, holding a gun. My heart skipped a beat as I struggled to make sense of it.

The masked figure drew closer, and as they came into focus, I realized it was someone I didn't recognize. Fear gripped me as I realized the danger I was in.

"Who are you?" I managed to choke out, my voice trembling with fear.

The figure didn't respond, their masked face unreadable. They raised the gun, pointing it at me, and I felt a surge of panic.

"Come with me," the figure said in a muffled voice.

I refused to answer, my anger boiling over. "You killed Alex!" I screamed, my voice raw with emotion. "You killed my friend!"

The figure didn't react, their mask hiding any expression. They raised the gun again, and I knew I had to act fast.

I lunged forward, knocking the gun out of their hand. We struggled, grappling with each other in the darkness. I fought with all my strength, fueled by rage and grief.

But, he was way too strong pinning me to the ground. But before I could do anything else, the figure reached into their back pocket and pulled out a small capsule.

I watched in horror as they swiftly injected it into my neck. I felt a sharp pain, and then everything went black.


As I slowly regained consciousness, I found myself in a warm, comfortable room. The soft glow of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth over the space. The room was filled with a pleasant aroma, a mix of fresh flowers and something delicious cooking in the kitchen.

I sat up slowly, my head throbbing with pain. Memories of the previous night flooded back, and I remembered the masked figure and the injection. Panic surged through me as I tried to make sense of what had happened.

I looked around the room, trying to find any clues as to where I was. The room was tastefully decorated, with cozy furniture and colorful artwork on the walls. It felt familiar, yet I couldn't place it.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, wincing as the movement sent a sharp pain through my head. I stood up slowly, steadying myself against the wall. I needed to find out what was going on.

I made my way to the door, the smell of food growing stronger as I approached. I pushed it open and stepped into the hallway, my eyes scanning the space for any signs of danger.

But all I found was a warm, inviting kitchen. The table was set with plates and silverware, and a pot of something delicious bubbled on the stove. The smell of freshly cooked food hit me, and my stomach growled in response. I stared hungrily at the spread on the table, my mouth watering.

Suddenly, I heard a laugh behind me. I turned around, and my heart skipped a beat. There, standing in the doorway, was a figure wearing a mask. Fear gripped me as I realized that this was the same person who had killed Alex.

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