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Nathaniel's POV

The warmth of the sun was a stark contrast to the coldness of my room. I stretched my arms and yawned, feeling the weight of the day ahead. The pale beams cast a cold light on my room, illuminating the familiar chaos of scattered books. I stretched lethargically, feeling the weight of sleep still clinging to my limbs. Outside, the world seemed to stir with muted activity - the chirping of birds and the whisper of wind through the trees felt distant, almost irrelevant.

As I sat up in bed, my eyes fell upon a report sheet lying next to me. My heart sank as I read the caption: "Fire Breaks Out in Illegal Shifter Prison in the Land of Lumar." The words seemed to jump off the page, filling me with a sense of dread. The Land of Lumar was the humans' part of the world, a place where shifters like me were not welcome. The thought of a fire in a shifter prison sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had happened, and I feared for the safety of my fellow shifters.

What troubled me most was the fact that I didn't even know that such prisons still existed. I had thought that the world had moved past such barbaric practices, but the reality was that shifters were still being hunted and imprisoned. It was a harsh reminder of the dangers that we faced, even in a world that claimed to be more accepting of our kind.

I sighed and clapped my hands, summoning my butler, a man named Sebastian. He arrived promptly, bowing respectfully as he entered the room. "Yes, Master?" he inquired, his voice calm and composed.

"Sebastian," I began, "I need you to gather the others. We must discuss what has happened in the Land of Lumar. It is imperative that we act quickly to ensure the safety of our kind."

Sebastian nodded, his expression serious. "Of course, Master. I will inform the others immediately."

He quickly bowed his head leaving me staring at the wall, Grabbing my shirt off the floor I walked to the bathroom washing my face with cold water. As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but notice the familiar features that stared back at me. At 6'4", I towered over most people, a fact that had both its advantages and drawbacks. My dark brown eyes, reflecting a mixture of determination and curiosity, seemed to hold secrets even from myself. The messy tangle of hair atop my head was a constant battle; no matter how much I tried to tame it, strands stubbornly refused to stay down, adding a touch of wildness to my appearance.

But what truly set me apart was the lotus flower marking on my neck, almost like a birthmark but with a deeper significance. Its delicate petals and intricate design hinted at a hidden symbolism, a reminder of something greater than myself. Some days, I would trace its outline with my fingers, pondering its meaning and the stories it might tell if it could speak.

At 22 years old, life had already dealt me a tough hand. My parents passed away when I was younger, leaving me and my sixteen brothers to fend for ourselves in a pack of about a thousand strong. The responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of our pack fell heavily on our shoulders.

Being the eldest among my brothers, I felt the weight of leadership early on. We had to learn quickly how to navigate the complexities of pack dynamics, protect our territory, and maintain order within our ranks. It was a steep learning curve, filled with challenges and sacrifices. Ever since the division between humans and wolves, countless lives have been lost in conflicts and misunderstandings. It's a painful history that I carry with me every day, a reminder of the importance of peace and understanding between our species.

I sighed wearily as I heard yet another laugh from the girl in the other room. She was always swaying her hips and finding ways to distract me, her voice dripping with playful mockery as she asked, "And what's got you so worked up in the morning?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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