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There was once a God that hid himself among the humans and he is the first God to ever do so. Not because there is no means, its because once you came down, you can never return.

Regardless of the consequences; Hugh, the God who was born to hate the other Gods decided to go down in the realm of the humans.

Contrary to his hate towards the Gods; Hugh adore humans. To the point that he is willing to give everything to them.

He gave food to the starved, water to those who were parched, money to those who were poor and cure to those who were sick.

Because of his kindness people followed him.

Hugh was delighted thinking that his love for the humans is not one-sided anymore, not knowing that the nature of humans is far from rainbows and sunshine that he came to know.

One day, Hugh saw a blind guy. His only dream is to see the face of his wife who never left him despite of his disability. Hugh felt deep veneration for their love, giving his eyes to the man.

The next day, Hugh saw a kid who was sitting near a tree; watching the other kids run and play. He couldn't join them because he was amputated. Due to great pity, hugh gave his legs to the kid.

Whatever the humans ask for, Hugh gave them without reservation. The humans are always grateful; wearing smiles and their voice filled with flattery and kindness.

Hugh gave everything he has. Now, he have nothing left to give; that made humans disenchanted with him.

Humans are always insatiable; they always ask for more. That is why when he no longer have anything, they yearned for what he have left. His life.

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