Chapter 5: I'm weird?

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It has been approximately 20 minutes, and about 70 other registrants have gone past me. Now I'm contemplating whether I should go back and ask the proctor, or should I just wait for a while more?

At this moment, I'm the only one in this narrow hallway as I wait for the man who will pick me up. Well, that's what the proctor said. I'm beginning to wonder whether someone will really come or not. In the first place, why did the proctor react like that? Why can't I just walk by myself, just like the other registrants did? Could it be... I failed? Will they ask me to just go home? That would be kind of lame, even for me.

"Yo! Are you the registrant no. 003-11729?" As I was deep in my thoughts, the wall beside me suddenly twisted and turned as a familiar face of a man came out. It's as if he were a ghost that could pass through the wall, as half of his body, from waist to head, was stuck through the wall, and the other half of his body was nowhere to be seen.

"Mr. Cyber?" I asked.

"You know me, kid? I knew that I was famous! Anyway, you might be confused right now, so I'll explain as we walk." After saying that, he took his left leg out; as it touched the floor, he put both of his hands in the wall and pushed it as he got the other leg of him out of the wall. Magic sure can do anything, huh? Just like in the movies.

I followed Cyber as we walked forward.

"I was told that when you touched that floating mirror thing, nothing was shown in it, is that right?" He queried casually.

"Yes." I responded.

"Hmm... normally, no matter how low a person's potential is, there would still be a sign of light that would appear in the mirror. After all, every person has a soul. Our soul is where the faculty of us to perform mojo resides. Meaning, if a person has no potential in mojo, it means that he has no soul. In other words, dead." As he said that, I felt shivers run through my spine. Dead!?

"You are clearly alive, though, so it's either that the mojo quantifier that was used in you is defective or the reason is something completely different." I heaved a sigh of relief as I heard that. I'm still befuddled, though. Was something wrong with me?

"We're here. Let's go inside," Cyber said as he opened a white door. I followed him inside, then looked around. There were a lot of papers on both the ground, tables, and cabinets that were either folded or crumpled. There were also a lot of scientific instruments lined up on the side table. It's the first time I've seen those, and I can't figure out what they are for just by looking at them. I wonder if those are magical.

"Yo! Mori. I have a kid with a weird case over here. Have a look~. My attention was swept to him when Cyber said that.

"Weird? I'm offended." I muttered in my heart, but I don't dare say it out loud. Cyber is here to assist me after all... I think?

"Huh? How weird?" A girl with purple hair up to her shoulder said. She is wearing thick reading glasses, but you can still see the bags under her eyes. She is currently writing something on a thick stack of paper. Talk about being overworked.

"How? Exceptionally~ its the first time that I heard of someone that couldn't have his potential in mojo be measured in the Philippines. Interesting right?" Cyber chattered.

The woman called Mori, who was clearly drowsy earlier, immediately looked at me with gleaming eyes upon hearing Cyber's words. "You mean..."

"Yeah, I felt it. I'm not sure though, that's why I took him here. But by any chance that my assumption is correct, then... hehehe." Cyber looked at me obliquely as he said that. It was a second later that I saw Mori doing the same.

Am I safe here?

"Alright! Shall we have a look at you? Come here." Mori stood up from her chair, then waved towards me, signalling for me to come closer. I heeded her, and as I did get close to her, she took my right hand and put two of her fingers on my wrist. Her eyes are closed, and she is not moving. I'm not feeling anything either.

Seconds passed by, then a minute. Nothing is still happening, but I noticed the enclosed eyes of Mori trembling slightly from time to time. I'm not in trouble, right?

After a while, Mori slowly opened her eyes. She smiled as she let go of my hand, looking at Cyber excitedly.

As if holding telepathic communication, Cyber grinned back and said, "Not bad."

I was confused, but I didn't disturb them. Mori asked me to sit for a while, but I refused. Not because I was too shy to do so, but because everything is covered by trash and papers. Where does she expect me to sit? Cyber went out for a while and it's not that long before he returns. He told me that we were going now; he also said goodbye to Mori, then went out. I didn't know what exactly happened, but I still thank Mori, then follow Cyber outside.

Cyber is whistling rhythmically as we walk, he seems happy. I wonder where he's taking me now. I'm not that nervous this time though. Judging from the expressions of Cyber and Mori earlier, my situation doesn't look bad. In fact, they appeared to be elated. Now, I'm intrigued.

We've been walking in these enclosed hallways for a while; everything is white, and I can't see anyone other than me and Cyber. After walking for a while more, Cyber put his hands on the wall. The part that he's touching shone, and then a hole in the wall appeared.

"You better not tell anyone about this, hehe. I'm so tired walking around, so I'll make a shortcut~" Cyber winked at me as he placed his index finger on his mouth. Implying that this is a secret.

I just nodded.

We got on the other side by going through the hole. Cyber touched the hole he created, and then a blue light shone once again. The hole started to become smaller until you couldn't see it at all. It returned to the spotless wall, exactly as how it was when we first arrived.

Magic... or mojo? Whatever it was, it's astounding.

I thought that what I'd just seen was fascinating, but I guess that I was just a frog living at the bottom of a well.

As I turned around, what I saw left me lost for words. If I don't know, I'll definitely think that I'm in a different world. What I saw was a place as big as a city. The infrastructures are designed in an English Gothic style, with some characteristics of neo-futurism architecture. Everything is white, but for some reason, you won't think that it lacks color. In fact, everything is vibrant. There are a lot of buildings scattered in different locations. All of them have at least nine stories. So far, I can only count 29 buildings, but I'm sure that there are a lot more. I told Harold earlier that they probably constructed this place within a month; now I'm doubting that. Is magic that supreme? It's like telling me that people constructed a whole city in a month. I mean, there are even spacious paved pathways, and everything is just spotless.

It was for a while before I noticed that Cyber was looking at me with a silly grin on his face. I immediately moved my head sideways to avoid his gaze. How shameful! But I can't blame myself. The scene in front of me is indeed jaw-dropping.

Cyber proceeds on walking, then I follow him. It was 20 minutes later before we reached a light blue-colored building. This place seems different from the others.

"We'll be meeting Fist. I bet you saw him earlier on the live orientation, right? He was the leader of the 12 generals. The 12 generals are the 12 hugh representatives of each country. In other words, they're the strongest. And when I said strongest, of course I'm one of them~" Cyber briefed me as we entered the elevator. He pressed the number 9, which I assume to be the highest floor.

After waiting for a while, we've reached our floor. We only have to walk for a while to reach a room with a large, carved wooden door. Cyber knocked two times, then went in, and I followed.

"Meet the strongest hugh in the Philippines, kid, Fist." Cyber told me as he went out of the room, shutting the door close as he left me alone with the strongest hugh in our country, as he said.


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