1 charmed im sure!

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Lucifers POV:

I just got off the phone with Charlie and i got invited to stay there and help Charlie for a month.

"Gosh! I'm so excited I can't wait to see char char! Take that depression! " i say as i threw a duck to the ground before quickly picking it up and putting it back on the table it originally was on because I'm quite fond of this one.

after an hour i get to the hotel with my suitcase and apple cane and I bust through the door and quickly take Charlie into an embrace.
"hello dear! " i say enthusiastically "h-hi dad! " I think Charlie was struggling to speak due the hug being very tight. I let go upon noticing that after a moment before i look around the hotel. "Well..! This sure is something.." I say i try to sound enthusiastic but I definitely failed.. I just don't wanna hurt my poor Char-chars feelings..

Alastor POV:

I look around seeing the decorated hotel for Lucifer's arrival as soon as he arrives i get a bit confused seeing Lucifer's short height. I can't help but let out a chuckle.

I walk up to Lucifer and shake Lucifer's cane before quickly wiping it on my coat as i speaks. "Hello your majesty it's a pleasure to meet you quite the pleasure! ... Now that I got a good look at you you are much shorter than i expected" Lucifer looks at me with an annoyed face seeing how this is not the first time his height was made fun of I'm assuming. "Who is this bambi guy? " Lucifer looks at Charlie for a answer but I interrupts Charlie's about to be Introduction for himself "I'm alastor the radio demon I'm the host of the hotel! You may have heard of my radio show! " "hm.. nope! I haven't I guess that's why Charlie calls it that haz-bin hotel! Hahaha! "Hahaha! it was actually my idea" "hahaha! well it isn't very clever!" "Haha! Fuck you! " i bend down to get to Lucifer's height "ok! Calm down dad and al! " Charlie quickly guides Lucifer away from me to talk in private. I don't pay much mind until i hear my name brought up in the conversation followed up with a decently loud "WHAT!?! " from Lucifer. "Dad calm down! " "ok.. but do I have to share a room with.. him..? Why can't i go in your room?" "Because I'm sharing with Vag- oh that reminds me!" *Charlie grabs Vaggies hand as she pulls her close to meet Lucifer "this is my girlfriend vaggie! " "hello your majesty..! " this is when i stopped listening.

I walked off into my room to read a book as i sat down on my chair i got rudely interrupted with a knock on the door. "Ugh as I sit down... " i walk over to the door as i open it and I see Lucifer there "what do you want your majesty?" Lucifer just walks in the room as he speaks "Charlie said that we have to share a room for a week since there's not enough rooms until Charlie gets done planning out the new room location and stuff like that" Lucifer looks around as he frowns seeing my dark room with forestish vibes and such. "wait.. So I have to share a room with YOU for a week!?" I get irritated and my ears pin back in discomfort.I sigh to calm myself down "your acting like i want to" Lucifer places a hand on his hip "don't touch anything that isn't yours.. and you can put your clothing in the closet there also the restroom is right there" i point my cane to show Lucifer where these things were. "Where will I be sleeping? There's only one bed?" I'll don't sleep so take the bed sire" "alright"


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