Uni Part 2📚

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Nick's POV:
I just finished my last lecture and am heading to the change rooms to get ready for rugby practice. Luckily it's only a short practice today because I have a bit of homework to complete that's due tomorrow. I finish getting changed and head out to the field.
We begin with passing drills and also tackling. Although I was rugby captain back in high school and thought I was literally rugby king, joining the rugby team in Uni changed my mind on all of that, these people are so much more trained and so cohesive but I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it. At least I hope so.
30 minutes later -practice ends-

Charlie's POV:
We are nearly at Nick's university and I can barely sit still in my seat. I haven't seen Nick in weeks which isn't the longest we have been apart but it still feels like it's been forever since I've gotten to hug him.
As we pull into the parking lot of Leeds the excitement is nearly too much to handle. I thank Tori so many times before grabbing my things and walking into the Lobby. Where I see a lady behind the desk on a computer. I walk up to the desk and she greets me asking how she can help and if I am a new student here.
"Hi!" " I am actually not a student here, I'm here to visit someone, it's kind of a surprise" I say and the lady nods smiling.
"Who is it you will be visiting today darling?." She asks
"Nick Nelson!" I say happily as she begins typing on her computer.
"Right! Lovely boy he is." She says. "You will find him in room 214. Just take that elevator there to floor 2 and it's just a piece down the hall."
"Thank you so much!" I say
"Not a problem, enjoy your visit." She adds as I get into the elevator pressing floor 2.

Nick's POV:
I'm currently sitting on my bed with papers sprawled out across it trying to finish this homework so that I can have a free evening. I had just taken a shower and changed into a pair of joggers and a grey hoodie.
I continue with the assignment for a bit when I hear a knock at the door. Puzzled I get off my paper covered bed and walk to the door. Wondering who would be wanting to see me.
I open the door and almost can't believe my eyes when I see Charlie. He drops his bags and instantly jumps on me hugging me. I hold him tightly against me. I put him on the floor and kiss him over and over bringing him in for another hug.
"What are you doing here?" I ask smiling
"I knew you couldn't come home to visit on your week break so I came to you, surprise!!" He says.
"Omg, I love you so much, thank you for coming all this way, I've missed you so much." I say pulling him into my room and grabbing his things, shutting the door.
"I love you, and I just wanted to see you and surprise you cause I just missed you so much" Charlie says going to sit at my desk.
"Sorry the beds sort of a disaster, homework is trying to get done." I say chuckling moving the papers aside.
"That's alright, you can finish that up, I'll be here the whole week!" Charlie says happily.
"The whole week!! You truly are the best boyfriend in the world!!!" I say as I try to continue focusing on my homework. Which is near impossible because the boy I love so much literally is here right now.
While I'm working Charlie comes to join me on the bed snuggling into my side. I adjust so he can lay on me fully. As I finish up the homework I notice that Charlie had fallen asleep on my chest. I smile carefully putting my papers away in my binder and pushing it to the end of the bed. Charlie moves slightly in my arms. I kiss his forehead lying down as I hold him closer.
This truly is going to be the best week ever!

I hope you enjoyed part 2🤍🤍 I'm really enjoying writing this little mini Uni series 🤍

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