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Nick's POV:
I'm currently getting ready to go pick up Charlie. We are meeting Tao and Elle at the arcade and then grabbing pizza. Sort of like a double date.
I fix my hair and throw on a jumper. I grab my phone and keys and head out to Charlie's house.

10 minutes later.

Nick's POV:
I get out of my car and go to Charlie's door, knocking on the door. He opens it and he's smiling!
"Hi!" He says cheerfully
"Hi!" I reply pulling him in for a hug.
I kiss him.
"You ready to go?" I ask
He nods and I grab his hand as we go into the car beginning to drive to the arcade

20 minutes later.

Charlie's POV:
We just arrived at the arcade and head in. I spot Tao and Elle at a table and Elle waves at us. I wave back as me and Nick head over to their table.
"Hey guys!" I say
"Hey!" Nick says
"Hi!" They say at the same time

"So what should we do first?" I ask

We decide to take turns with a few of the games and then split up for a little bit and do our own things.
Me and Nick decide to go to the race machine since Mario kart is literally our life haha. Of course I always win but he's getting a lot better at it that soon he may win. We play a few rounds. I won 2 and Nick won the last one!
"OMG!! Nick! You beat me!!" I say trying to sound upset.
Nick laughs getting up and I follow him. He hugs me.
"I think I'm finally getting better at this game and now I'll win more, watch out!" He says jokingly. I laugh as he hugs me again.
Tao and Elle come over asking if we want to have a go at the claw machine. I check my pockets seeing how many coins I have. I have 1 left!
"Alright sure let's go!"

Tao goes first and doesn't win, Elle goes and wins a plushie dog which makes her so excited!
Nick goes and unfortunately doesn't win anything. He comes over to me pouting.

"Im sorry I didn't win anything for you." He says.
"Aww it's alright Nicky, I'll win something for both of us!"
I go for my turn and I focus really hard. I attempt to grab a really cute dog plushie. The claw picks it up and I quite literally hold my breath as it drops into the pickup spot.
"YAY!!!!" I yell grabbing the dog from the machine! I hand it over to Nick.
"This is for you!" I say
Nick smiles.
"But you worked hard to win that darling, don't you want to keep it?" He asks I shake my head
"How about we share it?" I ask
Nick nods and I hug him.
We hear Tao clear his throat.
"I'm starving!!!!" He says
We all laugh and decide to walk over to the pizza place down the street from the arcade.

Nick's POV:
We arrive at the pizza place and Charlie lets me know he's going to the bathroom quick.
"Alright, what do you want to eat? I'll order for you." I ask kissing his forehead.
I notice Charlie tense up a bit. I grab his hand.
"Hey, you're alright baby! How about I get a medium pizza for us to share and you can eat as little or as much as you'd like. The rest can come home with us?" I see Charlie smile and he nods. He leaves to go use the bathroom. Tao and Elle just finished ordering so I go up to the counter and order me and Charlie a medium pepperoni pizza and 2 cokes. I wait at the table Elle and Tao picked out and see Charlie coming back from the bathroom. He sits in the booth next to me and I grab his hand.
The 4 of us chat for a while and not long after our food arrives. We begin eating and continue to talk.
We stay for about 45 minutes and decide to call it a day. We all walk back together to our cars.
"This was really fun!" Elle says, Tao agrees.
"Yes, we should do this again soon!" He says.
Charlie and I agree and get into my car.
"So do you wanna stay at mine?" I ask
"Yeah sure! Let me just text my mum letting her know." I say. Nick begins to drive to his place.
Once we arrive we grab our leftovers from the back and go inside. I lock the door and me and Charlie decide to snuggle and watch a movie.

A/N: hey!! Been awhile since I did an Authors note!! Wanted to check in with my lovely readers! How are you enjoying these stories so far! Hopefully you are loving them as much I as I am writing them💕🤍 thank you for being here and also almost for 900 reads🫶🏻🫶🏻🍂🍂

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