4|| Councilors Old... and New

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Okay so this part is all me. My friends don't even know I made these headcanon scenarios but they'll find out as soon as send them what I wrote... after I already publish it. I had a little fun with planning this part. The reason why I wasn't able to share this with my friends is because I made this list while I was rereading Legacy at like 2 am. (And yes I actually took the time to make PHYSICAL PAPER LISTS- I will even take a picture and put it on here to show my early morning hard work if you ask). I wasn't gonna just call them up to discuss this- though I wish I did now, because I have a bad habit of waking up my friends when I call and catch them slacking all the time because of it. Anyways, enjoy!

Old Versus New:

When Oralie stepped down, Lady Cadence was elected and later Velia and Ramira stepped down as well, knowing the pressure was getting to them. Ramira accidentally had accessed a forgotten secret in her cache in front of her and Velia, and they both decided that mybe it was time to let the future generations lead the Lost Cities. With that, Dex and Marella were elected,after showing the world what exactly they will do to make change happen in the Lost Cities.

Headcanon Councilor Secret Bahaviors (happy and sad😞):

->Noland sometimes forgets to talk during the telepathic councilor discussions, so often that his fellow councilors have to remind him to talk

->Zarina works with Flashers to experiment the effects of Lightning and pure light together so she often spends time with Clarette to test theories together

->Bronte has a secret emotional support stuffed animal

->Ramira had trouble telling Sophie her Forgotten secrets because she had so many of them and didn't want to affect Sophie poorly

->Liora celebrates every single birthday as a countdown to her becoming an ancient

->Terik gives himself pep-talks in the mirror whenever he feels like it

->Oralie and Kenric used to go out to secret places to have their versions of "professional dates"

->Alina spends hours getting ready in the morning, even if it requires her getting up at hours like 2 and 3 am

->Clarette spends her free time getting to know every creature possible and started visiting Havenfield to get to know Silveny, Greyfell, and their twins better as well as the Gorgodon

->Emery secretly enjoys having to give out special assignments because it makes him feel more important

-> Velia and Ramira practice abilities together to see if the wind can show Velia where vanishers are and they actually are close friends

->Darek dances with everyone at parties, as his way to get to know others

->Zarina second-guesses her decisions more often than not

->Emery takes headache elixirs before work every day

->Alina spent so much time trying to please and impress others that she lost herself along the way

->Oralie always felt Kenric's love for her but she had to deny it every time in order to protect Sophie and stay on the council, breaking her heart every time they met up

->Bronte hates seeing his fellow councilors on hard assignments, so he asks for most of them to protect them, putting the pressure all on him in order to help the other councilors believe that not everything is a bleak as he knows it to be

->Terik used to feel pressured when he first manifested to the point where he avoided attending Foxfire for several weeks

->Noland wishes he wasn't a vociferator because he hates feeling like he can't do something

->Velia is an expert on maps because she used to dedicate her time to imagining what the places she couldn't go were like

->Darek practiced his skills more than the other councilors because he knew people who were sent to Exillum and wanted to honor that

->Clarette vents to creatures in effort to try to be more open with others, working up to other people

->Liora spends her nights fidgeting nervously and stressing by constantly conjuring things back and forth throughout the void

->After Zarina accidentally caused Fitz to get injured, she seriously considered resigning again, but Bronte actually convinced her that she was important and should stay with the council

->Ramira will sometimes vanish for longer than necessary in order to get a feeling of peace and a break from responsibility

Okay so, if you took the time to think about some of these and what it would feel like if they were true, you'd see that some are sadder than others. I definitely shed a tear when writing about Bronte, Liora, and Zarina (Zarina because once I read the fact that shortly after she was elected, she wanted to resign, I had a lot of sad speculation). it took a lot of thought to think about how these councilors are, since we only see them from Sophie's point of view.

New Councilors Headcanons:

->Dex actually denied the option to tell Sophie things that he would have to hide manually and having a cache, wanting to go straight to her and tell her instead

->Marella denied having a cache of her own as well, instead sharing one with Fintan in order to be reminded of her mentor and what not to do

->Cadence advocated for Ogres to have more land and be able to visit the Lost Cities because she valued their relationship dearly

->Marella brought her emotional support stuffed animal with her to her castle

->Dex got one as well and was allowed to bring his Tomple

->Cadence denied having a councilor castle, instead settling for Riverdrift

Also, don't blame me but fr I just found the sound I put at the top on TikTok and it was low-key kinda calming. So, it matched my vibe rn- You should listen to it- Also, tell me what you would think of me putting songs from my personal playlists on the start of each chapter- should I try to match each with the mood of all the chapters?

Meme Time:

Meme Time:

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