Chapter 1.

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The night was cold, dark, wet and dreary.  She was alone, and in clothes dirty and torn.  She knew not where she was, nor who she was. Only her name and age.

And then he arrived, from the shadows, Confused and concerned, his voice soft and calm, and his clothes purple and gold with a funny hat on top his head, and a long white beard.

He had spoken so softly to her, so gently, as he asked her questions of which she did not know the answer to; And when he was done he brought her to his home and fed her, Clothed her, and gave her a warm bed for the evening, Thinking it would be Just that once, but it wasn't.

He spent days, weeks, trying to find Her home, Her family, to no prevail. He even sought out the ministry of magic's help, but they reply with a simple letter saying No, That they had more important things to do than find an orphan's home.

So after days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into three months, The Wizard gave up his search and took her in, Under his roof, his guidance, and his wisdom and love.

If he could not find her home then he would become it, and become he did.

And for the next five years, all that she has memory of, she spent between Hogwarts, and the wizards home in Hogsmeade.

During the summer's her and the wizard would spend all of their time together; He would read to her, teacher all about their world, and the creatures that inhabited and so forth. He even, even though he was not supposed, to taught her a few spells, even though she did not have a wand yet.

And during The school time of the year, He would sneak her into his office once a day, And they would spend the holidays together, And when he was not at home with her at Hogsmeade, She was being taken care of by one of his great, and long time friends, A witch named Andromeda Tonks.

With whom the girl became close to rather quickly; Andromeda, or Andy, As she prefers to be called, Would tell her stories, and sing to her, and cook for her, and Tell her stories of her time at Hogwarts and how she met her husband. And even introduced her to her daughter, Nymphadora Tonks, With whom the girl became even closer too.

Nymphadora, or Tonks, As She prefers to be called, as Esmeralda grew up has taught her spells of trickery, and defense. And has even told the girl all of the secret rooms of Hogwarts, and how to get around the professors at night, and where to get the best goods for pranks and such.

And as Esmeralda grew, and her hair grew darker and longer, and her smile bigger and brighter, She found herself becoming quite the intelligent young witch in the making, and even, in her short time, Growing close with some of the professors at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall becoming the one she's closest to; The witch, Head of Gryffindor house, Would come to visit when she could mainly in the summer, very often. and the Two would play wizard chest and the older witch taught the younger all she knew, And was very proud of herself and teachings When the young witch beat her For the first time at the age of nine, and The Professor Even promised the young witch that she would teach her how to become an Animagus, When she became old enough and the professor thought that she was ready and mature enough.

And before the young witch in the making knew it, Her letter for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry was being hand given to her by the Headmaster himself, On a warm, nice, sunny summer day in mid July and she became over the moon with joy  and did not come down.

Not even when Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks came to take her to Diagon Alley to do her school shopping at the end of July, Because the Headmaster could not.

"If you don't calm down you're gonna get a headache with all that jumping." Tonks told Esmeralda, In a half joking tone with a slight smirk and knowing look, as the girl Jumped with each step she took as they made their way in to Diagon Alley.

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