Chapter 3

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"Cold." Esmeralda mumbled under her breath, as she tossed and turned in bed, Sweat pouring from her forehead. "So cold."

Her mind field with the memory of that night, in The dark, cold, rainy alley in Diagon Alley.

Just as it is every night;

"Cold..." She bit down on her lip in her sleep so hard, that the pain jolted her awake and she jumped up in bed and gasped for air, "W-what?" She looked around, Seeing her fellow dorm mates fast asleep and the Sun just starting to rise, Seeing it's beautiful yellow glow slightly coming through the windows.

"If they are asleep then what-" Esmeralda was wondering until she tasted blood, and She brought her right hand up to her bottom lip and realized that the pain she felt that awoke her from her troubled slumber was her own doing, and she let out a heavy sigh and grabbed her wand off of the bedside table to her right.

"Episkey," The raven haired girl said the spell ever so quietly, and pointed her wand at her lower lip then felt it heal and she licked the spot on her lip where it was, Then let out another heavy sigh and looked around her dorm room. "Hm,"

"I wonder what time it is.?" She thought, Then with a big morning yawn and stretch, She slowly and quietly made her way out of her bed sitting her wand on the edge of it and going over to the small chair next to her bed on the right, Were her Hufflepuff Robes are neatly folded awaiting for her to put on and a new pocket watch that Albus bought for her a few days prior to school starting, so that she can keep up with time.

The watch is beautiful, it is silver and black with her initials E.D. on the front and when opened instead of it being numbers it is the zodiac signs, and creatures, and they move every time the watch is opened.

And Esmeralda absolutely loves it, and it's one of her most prized possessions.
Not only because it was a gift from her adoptive father but because It also Is designed around astrology, One of the many subjects of which she loves.

Esmeralda picked up the pocket watch and opened it, And looked at the time to see it turning six-thirty, And she became glad that she's up right when she needs to be.

Esmeralda smiled and took a breath, and looked out of one of the small windows above her at the sun, Then set the pocket watch down on the bed next to her wand and begin getting ready, getting out of her night clothes and into her Hufflepuff school uniform and Robe, Then grabbing her wand and pocket watch and putting both of them in her robes on either side, Her wand on the left making it easier to grab due to her being right-handed and the watch on her left.

Then, She went under her bed and grabbed her luggage trunk and grabbed her small morning bathroom bag that Andromeda Insisted on her having, and made her way out of her dorm room making sure to be quiet and through the common room and to the girl's bathroom, attached not far from the common room and brush her teeth and hair, deciding on leaving it loose and flowing.

The top half of it being straight and the bottom being wavy, and sometimes slightly crazy.

And once she was ready for her first day of schooling She put all of her things back in her bag and made her way back to her dorm room, where her doormates were still fast asleep and she put her bag back in the trunk and locked it and put it back under her bed Then grabbed her brown book bag, Full of books, quills, and pieces of paper and put it over her right shoulder letting it hang on her left side and smiled,

"Alright, I'm all set!" Esmeralda thought, Then there was a knock on the door to their door and she turned as the door slowly opened, revealing their prefect.

"Alright lassies," She spoke, "It's time to-" The prefect cut herself off when she noticed Esmeralda, And how she is already up, and full of energy and ready for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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