Chapter 2

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"And you are sure you have everything?" Andromeda asked softly, looking down at Esmeralda, As the girl was saying her final goodbye to the woman and her daughter before she boarded Hogwarts express, And started her first year.

"Yes," Esmeralda smiled, "I double checked before I went to bed last night, And I triple checked this morning before we left."

Andromeda smiled a slight proud, and sad one down at her. her eyes slightly watering.

"Mum," Tonks spoke, her voice soft, and she put a hand on her mother's back. "She has everything she needs. You helped her pack last night for Merlin's sake."

Andromeda slightly chuckled after daughter's words, "You're right, I just-"

"I know," Both Esmeralda and Nymphadora said, with softness in their tones, cutting her off.

"And don't worry Mum, She's gonna be fine." Tonks told her, "It's not like anything's gonna happen to her. Hogwarts is one of the safest places she could be."

"Yeah, and, I will write to the both of you every day! and let you know how my day went, that way you never have to worry." Esmeralda told her and both Andromeda and Nymphadora smiled down at her.

"You better," Tonks said and grabbed ahold of Esmeralda and locked her left arm around her head and began rubbing The top of her head with her right elbow,

"Not the hair! Not the hair!" Esmeralda tried to pull the Violet haired woman off of her but couldn't, The woman's grip was too tight and her strength was too great. "Andromeda!"

"Tonks," The older which only had to call her once because the other immediately let go of the girl and backed away from her with her hands up,

"My hair." Esmeralda mumbled, as she tried to fix it with her hands.

"Oh," Tonks let out, and slightly rolled her eyes down at the girl. "It's no big deal get over it. You act like my Mum with her hair."

"If you cared about your hair Tonks you would too." Andromeda said and walked over to Esmeralda and fixed her hair for her, then cupped her cheeks with her long slim fingers and palms, and brought her head up to slightly look at her and dark eyes stared into dark eyes, and right when the older woman went to speak the whistle on the train loudly blew, letting everyone know it was time for the students to board.

"Alright, Be good, and remember all of the things we talked about." Andromeda said, her eyes watering once again and she swallowed hard. "Focus on your studies, And remember what I said, what I told you the other day, it does not matter what house you get into, That does not defy you, alright.?"

"I know," Esmeralda smiled up at the woman, Then her eyes slightly shifted, and a thought crossed her mind. "But what if....what if I get put in Slytherin?" The question made it seem like everything else around the Three became quiet, but it didn't. And Andromeda looked at her for a good moment before she spoke.

"I am a Slytherin," Andromeda smiled, "And there are many of good Wizards and Witches who were put in to Slytherin, As I told you, Esmeralda, whatever house you get put in that does not defy who you are."

Esme took in her words for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Okay." The word fell from her lips low and soft, and the feeling of not wanted to be put in Slytherin still remained.

"I understand what Andromeda is saying but, I don't want to be put into Slytherin. I want people to like me. I don't want them to think me evil Just because of the house I get put into." Esmeralda thought, "Andromeda has had to fight the Slytherin stereotype her whole life, and still does, on a daily basis. I don't want that."

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