This story has one chapter and it takes about 1,5 hours to read. It has almost 20,000 words, so enjoy. ; )
I'm sorry if my English isn't very good. English is not my first language and I have Dyslexia. The other stories will come soon. I'm working on it.
Backstory: Lucy had to go to trail prep to try and slap a couple of charges on Rosalind Dyer. The rest of the team had to help at the hospital, because of a crazy man that has hacked the hospital to try and get a heart for his dying wife. Lucy is together with Chris, but secretly loves Tim.
Watch the whole/ real episode on 'ABC' or 'Hulu' episode 4x 17 Coding.
At the D.A.'s office
Lucy walked into the D.A.'s office, nervously about what was going to happen. Luckily Tamara was with her. 'Hé tam, can you let them know that I'm here?' Lucy asked Tamara. 'Yea sure.' Answered Tamara. 'Great I'm gonna go to the toilet' said Lucy and she walked away. She locked herself in the toilet while trying to calm herself down. Flashbacks from Caleb came back to her flashing before her eyes. The day just started and she already wanted to go home. She was nervous about all the things she had to relive today, but she knew she had to do it in order to testify. After a few minutes she went back to Tamara who was talking to Chris. Lucy nervously walked up to them. 'Hi, what are you doing here?' Lucy asked Chris. 'Ehh, I work here' Chris answered. 'Right, b.t.w. Do you know where Sarah is? I'm supposed to have trial prep with her.' Lucy followed. 'Ehh yea. She is out sick and they asked me to step in, but that seems awkward given our relationship. I say we reschedule?' Chris answered. 'Ehh, no it's fine. I'm now here and we are professionals. We are just discussing the case.' Lucy answered back at Chris. She was still quite nervously fighting with her sweater. Tamara saw it and put a hand on her back. Lucy looked slightly over at her with a small smile on her face. 'Okay, let's go.' Chris said, gesturing towards his office. 'I'll wait here for you' Tamara said.
After what felt like hours Lucy began to zone out, holding pictures of the barrel in her hands. 'I'm just trying to prepare you for the trail.' Chris said, trying to get through to Lucy. 'Lucy... Lucy?' Chris asked loudly as Lucy didn't answer him. He carefully put his hand over hers as he said her name again. 'Lucy' he said. She snapped back as she looked up in his eyes. 'How about we take a break?' Chris asked as he quickly stood up. 'Yea.. I could go for some coffee' Lucy answered as a little softer than normal. She took his hand following him to the break room.
At the hospital
Tim, Angela, Nyla, John and Aaron were in the waiting room, trying to get information out of Jonathan (the man who was holding the whole hospital hostage because he had hacked the hospital's computer network.) and his wife to try and stop the tread. 'What is going to be the next step?' Angela asked Tim. "We need to try and change his mind. By law the hospital has to give the heart to the girl Piper, and we have to do everything to make that happen... Okay, I'll Call for backup to look for people in need of help around the hospital. Then I assign John and Aaron to talk to Piper and her dad to bring them up to date. Can you and Nyla talk to Meredith the wife to see if she can help us change her husband's mind?' Tim answered. Angela nodded and walked over to Nyla who was talking to John. Angela and Nyla walked away while Tim called for backup. 'Hé John, can you and Aaron bring Piper and her dad up to date on what is going on. Just tell them the headlines.' Tim asked loudly. 'On it sir,' John answered as he and Aaron walked away.
In the break room
Lucy and Chris met Tamara in the break room who was talking to a boy that looked her age. Tamara turned around immediately by the sound of people coming in. As soon as she saw Lucy she smiled and Lucy smiled back. 'So here you are.' Lucy said as she saw Tamara over by the snacks. 'who is your friend?'Lucy asked. 'This is Austin, he's saving the earth.'Tamara answered before Austin could say anything. 'Well good to know someone is doing it' Lucy said trying to get her mind off things 'How is it going?' Tamara followed with a little concern in her voice, as she saw the pain of the trauma behind Lucy's eyes. 'Two coffee's coming up!' Chris shouted. 'It's going great.' Lucy answered, trying to be convincing but Tamara saw right through it. 'Are you sure?' She asked again. 'Yes, you can go home if you want, you don't have to wait here for me. I know this must be really boring for you here.' Lucy followed trying to shake of her worries. But before Tamara could answer she was interrupted by Chris' soft singing. She watched as Lucy froze and slowly turned around with a broken expression on her face. Tamara looked back at Austin and pointed at the door. They walked out together to give Lucy and Chris some space. Chris stopped singing and turned slowly when he heard Lucy's heavy breathing. 'Lucy...' he said with fear in his voice. 'Lucy, I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking. The song was stuck in my head and it just came out. I'm so sorry.' He continued as he walked towards Lucy. 'T- t- the song was s- stuck in your head be- because you have seen the video.' Lucy stuttered trying not to let out her panic. 'Well, yea it's evidence.' Chris answered. 'Right, right. No, of course you did. You're in the D.A.'s office, and it's evidence,'ve...' Lucy stuttered trying to get the right words out of her mouth. 'Lucy, I should have told you I'd seen it. I'm sorry.' Chris tried to apologise to Lucy, But she was already gone lost in her mind. 'Chris.. can you... please just...' Lucy tried. 'Yeah, sorry. I'll be in my office if you need me.' Chris said softly as he walked out the door. When he was gone she locked the door and slid down the wall on the ground. she was panicking and took her phone out of her bag and called the first number she saw.

The Rookie What ifs...
FanfictionStories about the amazing tv show The Rookie. You can watch the official serie om ABC and Hulu. Most of them are Chenford story's but I'm also planning on writing some that contain another couple or the whole team.