2- What if Tim found out that Chris was abusing Lucy?

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This story contains violence, abuse, sex and other heavy topics, so if you can't handle that it might be better not to read it.

This story has one chapter and it takes about 4 hours to read. It has almost 60.000 words, so enjoy. ; )

I'm sorry if my English isn't very good. English is not my first language and I have dyslexia. The other stories will come soon. I'm working on it.

Backstory: Lucy and Chris have been dating for a couple months now. Tim is single, Tamara lives with Lucy and she just bought her first car, but they found 4 kilo drugs in the back. They arrested the owner Jake, who looked just like Tim so they called him Dim. 

Watch the whole/ real episode on 'ABC' or 'Hulu' episode 4x 22 Day in the Hole, 5x 1 Double Down and 5x 4 The choice.

At Lucy's apartment

It was 6am and Lucy just woke up. She sat up and felt a hard banging in her head and a sharp pain in her side. She grabbed her stomach with one hand while holding herself up with the other. She closed her eyes in the hope that the pain in her head would go away but it didn't. She tried to look around but her vision was blurry. After a while her vision became clearer. She slowly got out of bed and walked over to the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Her left eye was blue and bruised. She grabbed her conseiller and tried to cover it up. It took a while but she managed to cover it. Her skin was back to normal but her eye was still a little thick. She walked out of the bedroom and saw the mess. Broken glass and stuff was everywhere. The kitchen was messy and there was food all over the floor. Chris had way too much to drink when she got home. He got mad at her, because she came home later and dinner wasn't ready yet. Lucy was kind of used to it. He was often drunk and even if he wasn't, he was mad at the time. He always took it out on Lucy in every way he could.

Tamara's bedroom door opened and she walked out. 'Oh, good morning.' Tamara said, looking at Lucy. Lucy snapped out the memories from last night and smiled at Tamara. 'Hi, good morning.' Lucy answered as she walked to the kitchen. 'Sorry, I haven't made coffee yet.' She added while setting up some coffee. 'That's okay, but what happened here? I saw it when I came home but it looks way worse than I could see yesterday.' Tamara asked Lucy. Lucy froze, because she didn't know what to do. 'Oh yea, I was searching for my phone and forgot to clean up. I will do that in a moment.' Lucy made up at the spot. It was a stupid lie. She's normally so clean and organized and this was nothing like her but she couldn't tell Tamara what was going on or else they would have bigger problems. 'Okay.' Tamara said, not convinced but she saw how sad and tired Lucy looked so she didn't question it any further. She carefully walked over to Lucy trying not to step on any glass that was laying on the ground. Lucy grabbed two cups for the coffee and sighed. Tamara could see the pain behind Lucy's eyes and gave her a big hug. That surprised Lucy and she flinched but she hugged Tamara back when she saw that Tamara wasn't going to hurt her.  Tamara slowly pulled out of the hug and accidentally moved her hand too close to Lucy's stomach which made Lucy flinch even more. 'Are you okay?' She asked as she touched Lucy's shoulder. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just cramps.' She responded. 'You don't look very good. Shouldn't you be calling out sick?' Tamara questioned. 'No, I'll be fine, I promise.' Lucy said, not very convincing. 'Okay, if you say so. I'm gonna go to school so see you tonight.' Tamara spoke as she grabbed her bag and walked out. 'Okay, see you tonight!' Lucy shouted as Tamara closed the door behind her. Lucy took a sip of coffee as she looked around the apartment. She felt a little hopeless and put her arm over her stomach, because of the pain so she went to the bathroom to take her medication.

At the station

Lucy just got out of the woman's changing room when Angela shouted her name. 'Lucy!' Angela shouted and Lucy turned around. She saw Angela waving her over and she walked up to her. 'That is going on?' She asked. 'Well, we picked Dim's girlfriend Sava up...' Angela said, as they walked to an interrogation room. 'Wait, why are you being weird?' Lucy asked, suspicious. 'It's easier to show you.' Angela responded, secrecy. They walked into the view room where Tim and Nyla were. Lucy looked through the glass and saw a young woman sitting at the table, looking just like her. The only difference was that that girl was wearing a gigantic hair piece, very revealing clothes and a lot of make up. 'Oh, um... That is disturbing.' Lucy said, concerned. The other three laughed and looked from Sava to Lucy. 'Guess we know who's going undercover with Dim.' Nyla said, trying not to laugh too hard. 'Yeah, Juicy.' Tim added grinning. 'No.' Lucy responded, looking back at Sava. 'Mm-hmm. It's Juicy.' Tim said, crossing his arms. 'I don't like that.' Lucy answered with a concerned expression on her face. Nyla whispered something to Angela and they both laughed very hard. 'What!' Tim asked them and Lucy looked over at them. 'Nothing.' Nyla said, still laughing. 'Nyla!' Tim shouted. 'You two have to pretend to be a couple.' Angela responded, also laughing. Lucy looked over at Tim, a little worried about what Chris was gonna think about this. Tim rolled his eyes at Angela and Nyla and walked out. Angela and Nyla walked into the interrogation room to question Sava. Lucy just stood there with all her worries, staring at Sava. How could she explain this to Chris? Should she tell Chris? What will he do when she comes back?  She was completely zoned out. Even when Tim came back in to get her for roll call. Tim opened the door. 'Chen?' He asked, not getting an answer. He looked at a frozen Lucy, waiting for her to respond. 'Lucy Chen!' He said, now louder. That did the trick and Lucy jumped up. She looked at Tim. 'How long have you been standing here?' Lucy asked, calming down. 'Long enough. Come on, Roll call is about to start.' Tim responded, holding the door open for Lucy. 'Sorry.' Lucy said, soft as she walked out with Tim behind her.

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