10| Captain???

3 0 0

Staring at my test sheet in satisfaction, I heaved a sigh of relief. All my calculations were on point but I had one or two spaces here and there cos I had forgotten some theory answers. Either way I was happy, at least I would be able to score above seventy percent.
Miss Hardy took the test sheets and gave us some assignments before stepping out of the class. I had waited so long for the bell for lunch break, as I was really pressed. Just when I was about leaving, Mr Phil stepped in.

" Good afternoon students"
" Good afternoon Mr Phil"

" I know it's lunch break but I have a quick
    announcement to make so settle down for
    a bit. "

I was sure he heard the back bencher boys grumble and make fun of his supposedly white shoes which were no longer white but were a little darker then the brownish color of his teeth, as he was aging. But he feigned ignorance as he was already used to the horrible attitude of the 12th graders.

" Now, everyone in this class is on a sports
   team if I'm not mistaking. So I'm here to
   inform you all that we're going to have an
   additional thirty minutes to our PE time.
   PE normally starts by 4:00 and ends by
  by 5:pm because of the AGM classes which
  hold by 5:15 pm but necessary changes have
  been made, so until after our games, AGM
  classes will hold from 3:30 till 4:30 pm
  From Monday to Thursday. "

" But we should be in our hostels after lunch"

Few people said in response to the news they had just received.

" I'm not the one who made these changes
   I'm only doing what I was asked to do so
   just don't worry the adjusted time for each
   activity will be communicated to you "

I felt my bladder about to release the content it had been trying to hold in. But I didn't want to miss the new time for sports training so as my
bladder led me, I blurted out the words..
" I need to used the potty " and dashed out of the classroom before I peed myself. I heard the class burst into a bout of laughter but I was too pressed to ask myself why ?

As soon as I returned to class, I heard some whispers and the class was turned into a workhouse of laughter. I didn't get what was so funny though. Caring less, I sat down as we waited for the next teacher to come in.

Rice was for lunch and I was definitely not missing it. In the company of noone, I went to the dining hall and sat briefly, observing the people around me. I was trying to think of something reasonable to write on the first page of my future. I hadn't been able to figure it out during the evening prep the previous day . Everything I thought of seemed like  stuff that should go in the 6th or 7th pages. Unfortunately everyone around me look bored so there was nothing juicy for my first page. Lunch was short cos we were rushed as a result of the new adjustments.

I jogged as I neared the football pitch. The captain was already standing there waiting for the ones who'd be late for practice.

We had the routine jogging, push ups and other fitness trainings while Mr Phil went round, giving corrections here and there, and cheering us on. We had been on fitness training since the first day I joined the soccer team. We spent about 45 minutes on this, before Mr Phil blew his whistle for us to stop. He gave us bottles of water and ushered us to the pavilion to have a brief discussion

" Good afternoon team"

" Good afternoon coach"

" We've focused on our fitness training for the
   past one month. And that is very normal
   because a player without stamina is just as
  good as doomed. Based on the information
   passed today, we're going to work harder
  We'll practice other skills before we start
   playing against other teams. So for this to
   happen, we'll have to play against ourselves
  we're about 40 on this team right ? "

" Yes Coach "

" Good so we'll form two teams and be each
    other's opponents. So we'll practice with
    this arrangement until we can perfect our
   fitness, speed, and other basic skills. Now
   like I said before, AGM classes will only
   hold from Monday to Thursdays so we'll
   have the whole of Saturday afternoon to
   practice "

This statement elicited mumurs from the players and this didn't surprise Mr Phil at all. He simply smiled and tried to pick some of the things the players were saying before getting
everyone back to order.

" I know that this arrangement will be difficult
    to keep up with so I spoke with the principal
    to leave training at one hour instead of an
   hour and thirty minutes. You will be having
  exams soon so we can set only three days for
   soccer practice. What do you guys think? "

" That makes sense" captain said to which everyone agreed.

" So on what days would we be available? "

Everyone murmured and gave their opinions before finally decided on Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday.

"  Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday " The captain said finally.

" Okay that's fine by me" Mr Phil said and continued
" Anyway that's aside. The main reason for this
   discussion is yo pick a new captain. "

" We already have a captain"

  " Yes we have a captain but he needs another
     hand to assist. And i have been watching
     you all since day one of practice and i have
     decided to make Martina the assistant
    captain. "

" Me ???? "

" Yes, you're the perfect person for the job "

  " Coach, you're probably mistaking me for
     someone else who bears the same name "

" Of course not. You're Martina the transfer
   student. we're done with this discussion
   we'll meet again by Friday unfailingly. Uhm
   captain 1, let's go " he said to the young man who immediately followed him. I was left confused and wondering why coach randomly nominated me as assisting captain when I was just getting used to the training. I didn't know a lot of things about soccer but now I was captain. Everyone dispersed towards their hostels and I was sure there were others who would have loved to have the position I wished to reject. I had to have a discussion with coach.

I skipped dinner that night because I had eaten some cookies earlier. I took a stroll, trying to figure out why coach made such decision.

" Congratulations Captain " I heard someone say as I looked up towards the direction of the voice.

" Oh hey it's you again "

I said with a smile. The pavilion guy, he always seemed to be lurking around.

" I'm really happy for you"

" Happy for me ? Why ? "

" You got a very nice position even though you
    haven't done much on the team yet"

" It's overwhelming for me because I don't
   know much about soccer. I'm not even
   nearly qualified for it. "

" Do you not want to be Captain ? "

  " Of course not, I just want to be on the team
    because I don't have a choice "

" You need to start seeing things differently
   at least now that you're captain you're gonna
   have to learn to love soccer. Not just for
   yourself alone but for the team as a whole "

" Wouldn't you have wanted to be Captain? "

" Of course, I've always wanted to be Captain
   but I'm happy you're the one who got the
   position. I know a lot about soccer, I've
   always loved it. So don't worry I'll be glad
   to train you, captain "

" That would be nice, I could really use some
    help "

" Okay then whenever you're ready "

" Thanks "

" I have to catch up with the guys now have
    a great evening captain "

" I hope so " I muttered to myself as I watched the young man walk away to catch up with his friends who were already waiting for him.




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