chapter nine: your changes

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Chaeyoung was happy to see that Jungkook was in GoldenGrove when she was walking to the entrance of the cafe. She was going to greet him when Yeji welcomed her there that evening. She has had a long day of tutoring that Saturday and needed to recharge with some of her favourite food from GoldenGrove.

"Oh, hi, Ms Park.", Yeji said with a smile as she realised who it was.

Jungkook turned to Chaeyoung's direction, but once his eyes met hers, he went back into the kitchen without greeting her.

"Hi, Yeji.", Chaeyoung replied to the younger lady who was ready to serve her.

"You rarely come here at this kind of time. What would you like to try, Ms Park?", she asked.

Chaeyoung smiled, "Can you suggest to me your best dinner menu?"

Yeji nodded, "Sure, let me show you. There are two best sellers for our dinner menu and you're lucky that today the boss, Mr Jeon is here. He can cook them for you himself..."

Chaeyoung slowly drifted into her own thoughts as Yeji was introducing her to the menus she asked for. She was wondering deeply about Jungkook's contrasting behaviour that had been bugging her for these two weeks. She recalled their last time at his apartment and the small interactions they had after that.

He was nice with her during their meeting to make the dog treats, but a day later, he changed. She still remembered how he was not as talkative as he was that morning they boarded the elevator. Usually, they would greet each other and had small talk until they reached the ground floor, but he was quiet that day.

Then, she realized that he seemed to be avoiding her when he texted her to say sorry that he would not have free time for the moment to teach her his special sauce recipe. He texted her a week and four days ago and had not heard from him back after she told him that it was okay and she could wait. She did not know where did she go wrong to make him distance himself from her like that.

And because of this, she came to the cafe to look for him. The dinner menu was just her excuse to see him there. She wanted to see for herself how busy he was and also to confirm her suspicion that he was avoiding her.

"Ms Park? to Ms Park Chaeyoung..", Yeji's hand waved in front of her.

She blinked as she felt the light breeze in front of her.

"I'm sorry. What is it, Yeji?", she asked.

Yeji smiled, "I was asking you which one you would like to try?"

Chaeyoung looked at the menu book in front of her, "Um...give me both. I'll try both of them. And give me iced tea for the drink."

Yeji nodded cheerfully, "That's a good choice. I'll make sure the boss cook the best of them for you. Please, have a seat first."

Chaeyoung nodded, "Okay. Thank you, Yeji."

After that, she went to the closest empty table to wait for her food. As she waited, she decided to take some pictures and ended up with more than ten pictures of herself taken before she was interrupted by a few men entering the cafe laughing at each other. Yeji greeted them and it seemed that she knew them from the way they interacted.

"Is Jungkook here?", one of them asked Yeji.

"The boss is in the kitchen, oppa.", she answered.

Chaeyoung overheard the little conversation and guessed that the six men might be friends with Jungkook. Not long after that, a bell rang from behind the counter, and Yeji excused herself to continue her work. One of the men managed to ask her to tell Jungkook that they wanted to see him.

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