chapter twelve: your fever

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It was a good night turned horror for Chaeyoung. She did not expect to see someone from her past at the birthday party. Her anxiety when seeing Baekhyun brought back the emotional breakdown she had six years ago.

She was crying in the toilet after leaving a warning to him not to look for her again. After spending a good time crying, she walked out trying to act normal before she saw Jungkook enjoying a slow dance with Eunha. Her intention to go to him and tell him that she wants to leave disappeared at the sight of them together on the dance floor.

While cursing at her own misfortune, she went to the bar counter to drink her night away. From one glass, she asked the bartender to refill at least five times more, and that had gone beyond her limit. She did not know how she got home safe after all that happened to her.

"Oh my...I don't want to wake up yet...", she mumbled as she heard her phone ringing.

The sound stopped by itself before it began again.

"Hm...who- wait...", her eyes shot open as she realized that it was not her alarm tone.

Her body quickly jolted off the bed as she looked around.

"This is room.", she looked under the blanket and found herself still clothed in her dress from the night before. "My phone, my phone..", she quickly grabbed her phone from the side table and saw the name on the screen that had been calling her. "Shoot!", it was her client that had a scheduled tutoring class in the Saturday morning.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath before picking up the call to apologize and reschedule the class next time. She was lucky that her client was understanding and easy to deal with. Once the call ended, she looked around again and wondered where she was at the moment.

"This is not my house. Where am I?", she tried to recall what happened at the bar and how she ended up in someone else's house. " head is spinning.", the hangover slowly kicked in as she got flashes of last night's event.

She gasped when she realized whose house she might be in at the moment.


Jungkook was just done showering when he saw Bam waiting for him in front of the bathroom with his empty bowl in the morning.

"Hey, Bammie. Good morning. You're hungry, huh?", he picked up the bowl and brought it to the kitchen.

Bam followed him excitedly by his side.

"Today's breakfast for", he filled the bowl with Bam's food before letting it eat at the corner of the kitchen.

As he watched Bam eating, he got thirsty, so he went to the fridge to get cold water for himself to hydrate. He drank half of the bottle before Bam came to him barking for his attention. He put down the bottle and tried to hush Bam in case its loud barking could disturb Chaeyoung's sleep.

After Bam calmed down and stayed quiet, Jungkook took the bottle and put it back in the fridge. However, when he was arranging the drinks, he felt something tugging onto his towel, and the next thing he knew was his towel got snatched away from him.

"Yah, Bam!", Jungkook turned around, shocked with Bam's action as he watched the dog run away with his towel on its mouth. "Bammie-"

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!", a shrilling scream as he left the kitchen startled him.

Stood still in his own comfort home was awkward at that moment. His eyes that were following Bam were now turned to Chaeyoung. It seemed that she had just woke up and walked out of his bedroom. She looked scared, though.

Oh, she saw him bare, that was the reason. Jungkook quickly grabbed a cushion from the sofa to cover his private part. What an embarrassing situation for him, but he needed to get to Bam.

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