chapter eleven: your invitation

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When Jungkook was about to sleep that night, he remembered about the invitation Hoseok gave him to his sister's birthday party. Jungkook was not going to go as he knew Hoseok's sister had a crush on him. Hoseok also knew it and still invited him on behalf of his sister, who had begged him to do it. The elder man knew Jungkook most probably would decline to go, but he told Jungkook that he could bring Chaeyoung along. In that way, maybe his sister's crush on Jungkook will stop once she sees him going with someone.

During the lesson that evening, he was thinking a lot about how to ask Chaeyoung to go with him but he forgot to ask her in the end.

"I'll just text her.", he decided as he could not sleep before resolving the matter at hand. "But it's late. Ugh, whatever. The party's tomorrow night. I should just try.", he picked up his phone and texted her right away.


Jungkook: Hi, Chaeyoung. I'm sorry if I disturb you this late. I actually wanted to ask you something. My friend, Hobi, who you met at the cafe, invited me to his sister's birthday party. He said I could bring someone and I was thinking of asking you. Do you want to go with me?

Chaeyoung blinked a few times as she read the message on Friday morning. She just woke up and checked her phone as usual in bed. Each of the words slowly registered into her mind.


Invited to his sister's birthday party.

Do you want to go with me?

"Is this a date?", she asked herself, biting her nail as she read the last sentence again and again. "No, it can't be. Right, Hankie?", she asked Hank, who was sleeping beside her. "It's an invitation to a birthday party for someone I don't know...but I know her brother through Jungkook. What does this exactly mean?", she tried to think before responding to the message.

"It's okay. Let's ask when and where first.", Chaeyoung decided as she started to type a message back to Jungkook.

Chaeyoung: Hi, Jungkook. I'm sorry I already slept when you texted me. Anyway, this party...when and where is it held?

Jungkook: Hi, Chaeyoung. It's okay. You still responded now. About the party, it's tonight at 8PM. It's held at Hobi hyung's bar in Itaewon. Are you free?

Chaeyoung: I think I'm free. Is there a theme or anything we should follow? Oh, how about the birthday gift? 😱 I don't know Hobi oppa's sister, what should I give her?

Jungkook: It's okay. I'll take care of that. You just be ready at 7.30 tonight. Hyung said the theme is Back to Prom.

Chaeyoung: Oh, okay, then..I see you tonight..

Jungkook: See you tonight, Chaeyoung.

"It's just a birthday party. Not a date.", Chaeyoung reminded herself as she double-checked her appearance on the mirror once again before leaving her bedroom.

When the doorbell rang, she quickly headed to the door as she knew who it was waiting for her out there. With a deep breath, she opened the door to greet him.

"Hi..", she smiled as she saw him.

He was stunned. She looked perfect in a chic sky blue mini dress that fell just below her thighs with her hair styled in a graceful half-up, half-down that he had not seen before. She looked like a dream to him.

"Um, Jungkook?", Chaeyoung waved her hand in front of him.

"Uh, look...amazing, Chaeyoung.", he spoke while rubbing his nape.

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