Part 9

81 4 1

Y/n pov

Getting rescued from the FaRtReSs oF mErOpIdE was not part of my plan. I actually hoped that I would be able to stay there and be released some time soon. That would've fulfilled my hopes of exploring the world!

Though, Sandrone must've sent these agents to get me back to her. Not that I planned to get arrested! 

My arm was around the agent's neck, trying to not fall. We had reached one of the halls, which were being illuminated by matches.

"Y/n!" a voice yells. I was way too familiar with this one.

"Hi Sandrone.." I say. I should've expected this earlier. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" she yells frantically, eyes blazing like fire.

"Hey... It wasn't my choice to be blindfolded and taken away..." I respond unenthusiastically.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" she says, rushing over to my side, checking me from head to toe.

"You're injured! What happened, Y/n! Tell me!" Sandrone shouts at me, why does she even care about me this much?

"Why do you care about me this much Sandrone?" I blurt out. I cover my mouth, realizing what I just said. 

She widens her eyes and slaps me on the cheek, hard. I fall onto my knees, my head spinning, and soon blackness awaits me...








"Come on, I'm sure Ms. Lokeski won't mind you brewing up another chemical mix! After all, you're her favourite student!" #### says.

**** responds, "Fine... I'll make another chemical mix, after all, I'm sure you don't want your parents to find out you failed!"

#### continues to tease ****, and works on the chemical mix.

Soon after, **** finishes it and hands it to ####.

"Veronica, I'm done, want to show it to Ms. Lokeski now?" **** says.

"Thank you so much! You're my savior!" Veronica says.

Suddenly, somebody drops a chemical mix, which causes the glass to shatter on the ground. This causes a chain reaction, everybody yelling and bumping into each other. Many glasses fall to the ground, mixing the chemical mixes to mix with each other. This resulted into more chaos, as a green smoke started to fog around the room, and soon, everything was green.

"Veron! Where are you!? Can you feel my hand?!" **** yells.

"****! I'm right here, don't worry! We're together!" Veronica says.

Once again, the green fog started to grow stronger and stronger, blinding everyone except for ****.

They see faint tint of blue somewhere, and **** is headed towards it. They take Veronica as well, hoping to find safety, but when **** touches the blue tint, they are flailing and yelling, falling through a void, into somewhere unknown...







"My head..." I groan. I look around me and I realize I was back at the Fatui base thingy.

"Oh. Your awake" Sandrone says, freaking me out cause I didn't know she was right. beside. me!!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream, which resulted in Sandrone glaring at me.

"Gosh, it was much more quieter when you were unconcious.." she mutters.


"If you don't understand, you must be brain-dead" Sandrone replies, checking the folders that contained information.

I sighed, giving up, ready to get out of this stupid place and go on a walk outside! In the freezing cold!

"Y/n, have you had any headaches recently?" Sandrone asks, out of the blue.

"Uh yeah... I had one right after I woke up" I respond, not being serious about this at all.

Sandrone doesn't say anything else, and starts to write down things in something small.

"By the way, your so-called super powers are disabled, so you won't be able to use them anymore" Sandrone says, breaking the silence.

"What. did. you. say?" I say, ready to break into tears.

"Are you deaf? I said your super powers are disabled so you won't be able to use it anymore!" she snaps.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I sob, breaking down into tears.

"Such a crybaby..." she grumbles



i honestly don't know where this is going 😭

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