Chapter 13- The dance

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I shook my head and look at my alarm clock.


Oh no! The contest starts in 15 mintues!

I jumpes out of bed and got ready in the bathroom. I came out again and threw on a dress. I brushed my mess of hair and put on a little make up. I rushed my shoes on and ran out the door!

I headed down to castleteria.

Ugh! Why is the que so long when your in a rush?

I grabbed a piece of buttered toast and eat it while running to the grand hall. I wiped the crumbs of my dress then entered the room.

Just in time!

I sat next to my dance group and watched the other contestants. I gazed at there inspirational dances.

"Their great!" Whispered Briar.

I nodded with a smile.

And next up.......................


My heart thumped in my chest, until i remembered that my friends weren't going to ditch me, it was just a dream. We walked on to the stage.

"1," Apple whispered.

"2," Holly whispered.

"3," Briar whispered.

"Go!"i said.

The music started playing as we got into the music. We danced, we forgot all our troubles and just let it go.

"Go Jenna!" Cheered Derek.

My friends smiled at me. I blushed.

We ended our dance to the last beat.

"Woo! You go girl! "Claps!" amazing! Love it!" Yelled the crowds.
I stared admiringly at the crowd.
We all gave a little curtsey. I couldn't wait to see who wins.

Sorry for long wait!
Find out who won in the next chapter

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