Chapter 6

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Quite a few days passed. Everything felt like it was falling into place with Abbi. She had be- come the center of my world and I felt like I was finally really finally enjoying my life.

One morning my nose woke me up, there was an unfamiliar but pleasant smell filling my bedroom. For the first time in a long while breakfast was ready for my sister and me. My mom had made eggs and waffles. To my surprise Rick was, again, sitting at our table. Him being there completely explained why my mom was making breakfast.

I approached everyone already sitting and said good morning. Rick seemed a little nerv- ous and again my mom asked that we all have a talk. I sat down not so sure of what to ex- pect. Rick spoke "Listen, I don't want to tiptoe around this topic. Your mother and I want to move in together." My sister's arm went limp as she was attempting to eat making her fork smack against her plate as she dropped her jaw simultaneously. While she was nor- mally overdramatic about most everything, her reaction pretty much summed up how I too was feeling this time. My mom tried to soften the blow by saying "And yes, this is going to be a pretty big transition for all of us but we'll make it through."

It began to hit me harder as I thought things through; there was no way Rick was moving in with us, our little condo was already overcrowded. Rick was the one with the higher- paying job, which meant most everything I knew was at risk to change. I began to feel pan- icked, "You... Mom I have Abbi." I said. My mom looked concerned and Rick blurted out "Listen, we're not going to break up your relationship for the sake of ours, we'll figure something out ok?" I felt like I was going to pass out; I kept thinking about the horrible tim- ing, that I finally I had someone I bonded with more than anyone else and they were going to make it far more difficult for me to be with them, because of what? Rick had said it would work out but I barely knew him. I had learned some time before to trust people on what you know them to be, not what you hope them to be. Rick hadn't been around long enough for me to see him in a significantly positive or negative light and in that, I realized hope was all I had.

I stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not hungry. I'm going to go wait for the bus." Everyone silently sat at the table awkwardly pushing around their food as I gathered my things. As I was brushing my teeth I could hear my sister crying and ranting dramatically in the back- ground. Once again, she reacted externally how I felt inside.

Davis could see my upset posture out his window as the bus pulled up so as I walked up the steps this time he screamed, "I love you so much! I wish you were my boyfriend!" I hated myself for giving in yet again, but laughter escaped me. My life was turning com- pletely upside down and Davis was there to make me experience a fragment of happiness.

As I sat down, Davis grabbed me and hugged me. Someone sitting a few seats ahead screamed "Eeew homos!" which made Davis yell back, "I love him! This is love!" He jumped onto the seat with his little body and pressed our faces side-by-side "Look at our love!" I patted his arm that had been wrapped around me sarcastically and he released me to sit down. Immediately he asked "So what's up buddy? How can I turn that frown upside poopy poo poop?" He could see I was still a bit upset and didn't really want to talk so he did his classic "Well, I'm always here!" It was nice having Davis to keep me afloat.

Since I began my Teacher's Assistant work with Mr. Hanson I felt buried in needless infor- mation about his job. He was constantly ranting about the low pay, working conditions and hours. Despite all this he would still remind me about how happy it made him to see some students overcome the horrible condition of our school and succeed regardless.

Ms. Robertson would stop in from time to time while I graded papers. Whenever she vis- ited she and Mr. Hanson would bombard me with questions. They would ask me how I liked being a TA, random questions about the state of the school and discuss academic politics. I kind of felt sorry for Ms. Robertson, we never had normal conversations, it was almost always about her job, almost as if that was all she knew.

While she was visiting that day, Ms. Robertson could tell I was upset about something so she asked and I confessed I was pretty bummed out. I wasn't specific because I wanted Abbi to be the first person to know what was going on between my Mom and Rick. Ms.

Robertson replied "Well, this better have nothing to do with you know who." I found the fact she was still butting into my relationship with Abbi to be incredibly annoying. I said nothing in response hoping ignoring her bringing up Abbi would give Ms. Robertson the hint I didn't want her talking about Abbi.

Finally it was time for PE and Abbi greeted me as happily as she ever did. I didn't want to ruin her day so I asked her to call me later that night to talk without hinting too much re- garding what it was. Despite my efforts she could see it in my eyes, she said "If you have something on your mind, I really want you to tell me." I tried to think of the best way to say it but couldn't, so I just told her that I had to tell her later. She replied "After school?" and I agreed.

Throughout gym class her behavior changed completely. She picked up so well on my con- cerns that it consumed how she interacted with almost every person and thing around her.

The mere worry of some bad news caused her to appear significantly depressed, almost as bad as before we began talking.

Abbi was waiting by my bus as I walked out of school. I had been thinking about the best way I could tell her all day. "You have to tell me," she said before I even finished walking. I didn't delay my response as she had waited long enough, "My mom's boyfriend is talking about having my mom move in with him, he said he'd make things work with you and me despite the change." Abbi kept looking back and forth at me, then to the side, speechless. I continued, "I can't leave you behind." She interrupted as tears already began forming in her eyes "I can go with you." I paused in disbelief; in a single moment she expressed as much desperation for me as I had been feeling the last few days. It was as if every action she took repeatedly proved her perfect alignment with my intentions. We were becoming like gears turning in sync, unable to be slowed or broken by any obstructions. She waited for a response, looking at me nervously. I smiled and said, "Actually, I was thinking I might be able to stay here alone. My mom owns the condo and I'm 17, so I donno."

Abbi's nervous expression faded slightly and she said "Have you talked to your mom about that?" I replied with "No, but I won't let us get split up, and..." I paused still in disbe- lief that she was willing to come with me if I left. Abbi started to smile, feeling more certain I wouldn't leave her behind. I continued, "I'm glad you... said what you did. I know now ei- ther way it should work out." She giggled excitedly and immediately jumped on me while simultaneously wrapping her legs around me happily kissing every part of my face but my lips. I said "Whoa" laughing and thinking in the back of my mind about how surprisingly easy she was to carry.

Later that night, I spoke to my mom about potentially staying home and continuing to go to the same school considering I was graduating the next full school year. She seemed hopeful but said she had to talk to Rick who had returned to his home past the mountains to work.

When we spoke on the phone Abbi and I mostly stayed away from talking about the move. We focused on topics like colonizing the moon, strange creatures we have yet to discover in the ocean and if robots will become so much like humans one day that they'll begin to have the same legal rights as us. Some topics were pretty silly but we didn't really care, it was just fun to hear what we could come up with talking about things we barely imagined till then.

At some point in the night Abbi brought up a more serious topic. "I noticed something about you, when we're in gym class." she said, I replied asking her to elaborate, she said "It wasn't just in class, once I saw it I began noticing it everywhere. You barely pay atten- tion to any other girls, even when they talk to you. You rarely even look at them most the time." I laughed and replied "I do that intentionally you know?" she asked why and I contin- ued "Because I don't want to risk you thinking for a second you're not the most important person to me." she replied in an amused tone "Even when I'm not around?" I added, "When you're not around, I like to pretend you still are. So in a way, there's no such thing as being without you." She warmly laughed and we quickly went back to much lighter top- ics.

Abbi wound up falling asleep on the phone with me. Listening to her rest, how peaceful she sounded. Despite knowing it wasn't true, I couldn't help but feel like everything was still perfect.

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