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My legs were killing me.

My breathing was so heavy that with every breath I took I felt like my chest hurt. Every part of my body begged me to stop, but I could only think of everything my parents told me before I died at the hands of the Death Eaters who violently entered our mansion.

"Run, run, and don't look back, Draco," my mother would say, on the ground, tired of fighting. It was 6 of them just against her and she stayed standing until one of those sons of bitches threw a sectusempra at her in the back that inevitably made her fall. I knew how much that spell hurt, Potter made it clear to me a while ago, and I felt a deep pain at the agony I must be feeling.

When I tried to reach her, my father violently grabbed me by the arm and gave me a small device in my hands, and with this, he also gave me a squeeze wanting to look comforting. Between his face covered in blood, his white hair dirty from the fight between his old friends, and the leg bruised by the curse he couldn't dodge, he gave me a sad smile.

"You'll have a better life, Draco. Apologize for not being good parents. I love you."

"Father, what...?"

"Romania was your mother's idea, I don't know why, but life in the countryside will do you good"


"We will always take care of you, Dragon"

And with those last words, he pressed the Portkey and I was sucked into it, having the last look of a dead Narcissa Malfoy on the ground and a Lucius Malfoy receiving an Avada Kedavra.

The Portkey sent me far away from Britain, I knew this because as I ran among the trees and wildlife of this place, I could very quickly observe a type of flower that was used for rare potions that were not found in the wizarding world.

I just wanted this all to be over.

The few Death Eaters who remained fugitive and free hid like rats. These people, who once claimed to be loyal friends of the Malfoys, blamed us for everything that had happened in the war, called us traitors because my mother lied about Harry, and Harry, in compensation, defended our family so that we wouldn't end up in Azkaban for the crimes my parents and I had committed.

From that point on, we were a target for the dark lord's servants.

I don't know how they got into the mansion, but at one point I was quickly putting my things away to go with my parents to France and stay in the country and a second later I'm alone in this unknown place crying over their losses.

Despite what everyone believed, they weren't bad parents, or worse than Potter's aunt and uncle, they say. They were only blinded by the wonders and manipulation that the Lord promised them for the purebloods, even I believed Him for a long time.

In between my ramblings, I heard a strange sound coming from the trees.

They were steps.

I ran faster, levitating stones and whatever my vision could see to throw it towards the place of noise. If the Death Eaters had found me, I would be a dead man, because my magic had restrictions and one of them was that we Malfoys couldn't use wands, except for light spells.

The noise became more and more audible.

My Beautiful Dragon (English- Autor @Shipp-y-oreo)Where stories live. Discover now