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As we left the cabin, the first thing I saw was Jeff walking quickly toward us.
He approached with elegant and delicate steps for such a large and majestic body, I visualized him giving Charlie an affectionate push on the shoulder.

He just laughed.

"Yes, yes, I understood, my friend. Hell! You eat like a grown-up Dragon to be just a baby.I was shocked by his words.

-WHAT? Is it a baby? What the hell? It's as tall as a winter pine. I don't want to imagine what an adult of his species looks like.

He laughed again and grabbed me by the waist and kissed my nose. This one was already all red because of the high temperatures of the mountains, but that innocent kiss made me feel a warmth in my body and in my heart.

"Beautiful Dragon, the Dragons I care for are not always as gentle and polite as Jeff. He and I have formed a great bond because I have cared for and raised him since he was in the shell." His smile fell slowly and he looked at me seriously. "But not everyone is equally docile. There are dragons, not far from here, that are somewhat difficult, their temperament is very unstable and they don't like so many humans surrounding their territory, act with caution, don't forget, okay?"

-I agree.

"But it's not all bad, Draco. There are many places that I want to show you, perhaps, after the meal, I can show you the surroundings of the cabin and if the good weather allows us, you can see the special reserve of the little Dragons. Don't worry, they're much smaller than Jeff."

-I'd love to.

"You're so beautiful when you smile. I'd love to make you laugh more.

I could only turn red with embarrassment at his words.

When he was about to tell me otherwise, Jeff flapped his wings and gave us a little blizzard that made us stagger a little from our seat.

"All right, Angry Dragon. First food and then my partner, although I don't think that's the order in which I should prioritize my obligations.

Jeff made a petty gesture that I could clearly understand as a "No. First my food, then your human."

I rolled my eyes with amusement.

"You'd better give him his food, or he might make an attempt on my life when he sleeps."Charlie smiled at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll be back in a little while."

When I saw him walk away, I made my way towards the majestic Dragon in front of me. With slow steps so that he wouldn't think I wanted to hurt him and that he would see that I wasn't invading his space, I slowly began to get closer.

-Hi friend, I know we didn't have the best of first impressions and I apologize for that. But I think we're both trapped to live with each other. So what do you think? He gave me a skeptical look and I had to use my last resort. "If you don't do it for me, how about Charlie, don't you want me to be sad because we don't get along, do you?" At the mention of Charlie, Jeff made a gesture of denial and then bowed his head.

My Beautiful Dragon (English- Autor @Shipp-y-oreo)Where stories live. Discover now