Chapter 1

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When one dies, oftentimes there is nothing but sweet smells and warm embraces, not this time. The air was sour, the air chill and most prevalent of all was the ice cold shards of wind hitting my face. I couldn't bare to open my eyes because I knew that it would all be blue. It's not like this was my first rodeo, in fact, it was my third or fourth rodeo. It's happened so much that I've just become accustomed to the spine-chilling sensations that overwhelm my body as I wait like a sitting duck for my God to return to me. This sitting duck however was falling, falling hard and fast.

I summoned the little courage that I had and peaked at the site around me and much to my displeasure the ground was far closer, thankfully if you will, the ground itself wasn't actually solid ground but sparkling blue waters as far as the eye could see. The sun itself, still hung high in the air. It was hard to distinguish between sky and earth for the blueness that surrounded me seemed to melt together as one.

The fear built inside of me like a solid bar of lead and plunged my heart into a race. If my god wanted me to survive this fall she needed to save me, and soon. I didn't fancy being a watery flat pancake and live the shortest life known to... well me. I don't think anyone else has lived the life, or lives, that I have.

"FENGHUANG, I NEED YOU!" I cried. The ground approached at a rapid pace and my God was nowhere to be found. No trace among my consciousness. Second after second the inevitable doom sealed itself in my mind. I would die.

"FENGHUANG HURRY UP!" I screeched as I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the sharp stabbing pain of the water colliding with my body. I hoped among the Gods both good and evil, that the alignment would seal itself soon enough to allow contact with Fenghuang. It was only mere seconds between life and death before either of us would cease to exsist.

I'm here

The Gods above both good and evil thank goodness she finally arrived.

"WINGS I NEED YOUR WINGS!" I ushered my arms to an outstretched position ready to hear the ripping of skin.

I cannot


On the contrary I'll find another

A lie, but that wasn't the problem at the moment.

"Is this really the time to be arguing, I don't wanna die!"

Open your mind and I'll give you enough to soften the landing. I'm still adjusting.

I closed my eyes immediately and focused on the memories of runes that were engraved into my soul. They shifted and turned until they arranged themselves into the opening seal between the Gods and Mortal realms. As the final rune disappeared a flash of orange and yellow filled my vision and the power of the Phoenix course through my veins in a surge of heat. Fenghuang immediately took hold and used her power to slow my descent by pushing heat from the side of my body that was facing towards the water. Gradually the descent slowed enough that the fall into the water would only hurt for a little while. My vision cleared and what I saw before me was the ocean closer and the heat that coursed through my veins subsided and returned to its master. I wrapped my arms around my chest and held my legs close together.

The heat and the cool sensation of the water danced in bubbles around me as I clawed my way to the surface. I was hot but thankfully the ocean helped to cool my burning skin. I was safe, for now. Granted as my mind continued to slow down from the whirlwind of events I understood that I was in an ocean with unknown horrors below me. The thought alone sent another wave of shivers down my spine.

"Fenghuang, how long until we're able to fully connect?" I asked, I was too anxious to drift alone in the vast waters.

Only a few hours before we can make our first connection, I suggest finding something to float on.

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