Chapter 2

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A soft knock woke Pearl from her rest and as she opened her eyes she found that she was still leaning against the wall. Memories of last night played through her mind once more and she sighed softly at how she was probably the most insane person on the planet. A planet she still didn't know the name of. The only thing she did know was she was on a ship in the middle of an ocean called the East Blue, hardly anything to go on. It didn't raise any memories that she knew of. The knock sounded again, harder and louder, she hoisted herself up onto her feet and opened the door. The person knocking at the door was the pink haired boy named Koby. The same boy that helped her last night; Fenghuang had said that he was a coward. Pearl looked at Koby with an indifferent look, in the light of the morning he certainly did look like a coward. Maybe calling him a coward was too harsh, yet, the boy didn't hold himself in any manner that would say otherwise. The glasses, bowl cut hairstyle and the slight quiver of his body. Another part of Pearl wondered what would've come of him if he wasn't on this ship. She could see that this place wasn't meant for people like him, yet here he was.

"I brought you some porridge from this morning's breakfast, it's almost noon. Alvida said she wants you on the main deck in 5 minutes." Koby handed Pearl the bowl of porridge. He gave her a once over look and smiled, he was glad that she had put on the new clothes. Though they weren't the best and he didn't really know the mysterious girl he knew somewhere in his own consciousness that she needed to be cared for in the moment of need. He had wondered all night how long she had been lost at sea for and was astounded that she had been able to survive. When he saw her climb onto the ship yesterday evening she looked like she had been to hell and back, just horrible. Before leaving he gave her a warm smile and was back to wandering about the lower decks. He had a few chores to tend to below decks, such as sorting out the pantry, taking note of food stores, and sweeping and mopping the floors. He was nothing more than a chore boy on Alvida's ship and she made sure to keep him well busy enough to not even think about a plan of escape. Not like he had the whereabouts within him to act it out. The hours spent on the ship were spent dwindling away at the chores while dark and scary thoughts drifted through his mind. How could he have been so stupid to climb aboard a pirate ship. He wanted to be a Marine, not a pirate.

As Koby tended to the chores his thoughts came back to the girl lost at sea. He guessed she couldn't have been older than he was. He thought about the way her eyes were weary, not with tiredness but with a kind of weariness that only stems from time spent living a life of too much adventure. He saw it in some pirates that Alvida crossed, like they wanted nothing more than the sounds of cannon fire to stop ringing in their ears. To finally be put to rest. Koby's thoughts then shifted to her arrival on deck. He had heard Alvida say that she had devil fruit powers, but from his knowledge on them, she shouldn't have been able to swim in the ocean less so be able to survive for however long she had. Koby was curious about her because whatever power she possessed it wasn't devil fruit related.

Pearl watched as Koby wandered back down the hallway, most likely going to do whatever his job was. Pearl remembered the warning he gave her last night and kept that at the forefront of her mind. If both Fenghuang and Koby said that she needed to leave, then she would listen. Even without their warning Pearl didn't want to spend another minute on this ship herself. The look the other people were giving her last night sent a chill down her spine. There was curiosity, mischievousness, and greed, but there were also looka that didn't sit well in her stomach. She wasn't sure how she held it together last night because she remembered fear lacing through her tired bones.

The plan for escape was still brewing in her mind. She thought about stealing a boat and sailing off late in the night. Though she didn't know where the closest island was. She would have to seek out Koby later and ask him if he knows any nearby islands that she could sail to. Once the bowl of porridge was finished she made sure that the storage room she was in was cleaned up fairly well for what it was worth and left.

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