Chapter 6

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The haze that engulfed Pearl felt cold and aired, yet despite this it felt like needles and glass shards with every drag of air she breathed. She coughed and sputtered with every breath. The haze obscured her vision and she wasn't able to decipher where the hell she was. She certainly wasn't in the void or her own domain, and there wasn't a blistering fire with raging emotions so she couldn't possibly be in Fenghuang's domain. So where the hell was she?"Come on Pearl, wake up~" "How long do you think she'll be asleep for?""She's just like Luffy, passing out during a fight.""Hey! She is not like me...""Will you two shut up for once, her skin was blistering hot when I grabbed her.""Why's that you suppose?""I don't know..."There was silence for a time."I hope you're okay... When you wake up you're going to tell me about your scars."The haze around Pearl slowly and steadily dissipated back to where it came from and soon darkness enveloped her once more. The dull whispers of wind whirled around her and over her face as she scrunched her nose. A tingling sensation ran through her body as she wiggled her fingers. It seemed to Pearl that she was completely fine. Groaning she rubbed her face trying to wake herself up. The only problem was a throbbing headache but aside from that nothing else felt like it was broken or damaged. She felt incredibly weak though. God she was thirsty. Actually scratch that. She was parched.She opened her eyes and saw that she was in a house, a house with tapestries hanging on the wall. The sheets that covered her felt like silk— oh they were. Turning her head to the side she saw a bedside table with a lamp emitting a low golden light. She breathed deeply and this time her breath didn't feel like it was going to rip apart her throat. Pearl grabbed the sheets and pulled them off of her, the tingling feeling in her feet subsided once they hit the carpeted floor. The sudden movements caused her head to rush with a thrumming pain. Grabbing the bedside table to support she stood to her feet. She desperately needed water. Shuffling her feet across the ground she finally got to the door.Why the hell am I so stiff ? Before she could open the door the knob suddenly turned and hit her in the head and foot. The tingling pain in her body reignited and she fell to the floor groaning in pain as her headache reached a painful climax."Fuck, Shit, sorry..." The voice said as an arm reached down for her hand pulling her up back onto her feet."At least you're on your feet finally." The deep voice said with a small laugh. Pealr groaned as she looked up at Zoro."Yippee..." She said as she deadpanned the man in front of her. "You're okay though?" He asked, he wanted to make sure that he didn't accidentally dislocate her foot or whatever.Humming she stepped away from the green haired man "Yeah, I'll be okay. I just really need water." She said as she continued passed Zoro and out the door. Zoro stared wide-eyed at her as she walked slowly out of the room."H-Hey don't you think you should be taking is slowly?" He urged as he followed out after her. "I'll be fine." Pearl muttered as she started to get her feet back in proper working order. She still felt weak though, a coldness was running through her body and the incessant need for water kept her from laying back down. Zoro rolled his eyes and frowned. This girl was definitely a piece of work but he couldn't complain too much, he'd be the same way if he was her. He decided to just walk beside her making sure she made it to the kitchen without passing out again.As the two walked through the house in a rather confortable silence Pearl couldn't help but think about what the hell had happened. She could guess that from others perspective she just used too much energy and passed out. Yet, between the fissures she saw before and Fenghuang's words she couldn't help but think that there was something more to this than met the eye. She needed to find a place to meditate, walk around the area and figure out what the hell happened. The heat that swam under her skin felt hotter than usual, yet this freezing coldness she now felt made it feel like she hadn't made any progress. Grumbling in annoyance she saw the hallway that led to the kitchen.Zoro looked at the girl clad in Kaya's pajamas and furrowed his brow. She had been silent all the way to the kitchen and had been grumbling under her breath. He guessed that she was pissed about being bed ridden but he hadn't know her for long to truly know what was going through her mind. He thought about asking but as soon as she stepped into the kitchen she ran to the sink and turned on the water, she gulped water down like her life depended on it."Hey, whoa there." Zoro turned the water off looking at her incredulously as she gasped for air. "You weren't kidding when you said you needed water..." He mumbled as he crossed his arms and leaned back on the table in the center of the kitchen.Pearl smiled softly and grabbed a chair to sit down in, the water felt fucking great. "Yeah, I don't know, I was super thirsty." She said offhandedly as she looked around the kitchen. Now she was hungry.Zoro followed her eyes and huffed. "If you can wait Kaya will be here shortly with lunch. She just ran into town to grab supplies for us."Pearl looked at Zoro and nodded her head."Y'know, you don't say much.""What's that supposed to mean?" "I don't know, its weird..." Granted it wasn't weird at all for Zoro in the slightest, it was just that he was surrounded by people who did talk all the damn time and seeing someone who didn't was, well, a surprise. It was nice though."I'll keep that in mind then." Pearl said bluntly as she got up from her chair. The coldness that held her muscles stiff slowly went away and a warmth settled in her that made her shiver. The hair on her arms and back stiffened at the sudden change in temperature. It was a welcome change, she wasn't prepared to stay cold for the remainder of the day. She'd probably opt to stay in bed if that were the case, yet, by the sounds of it the crew was preparing to leave soon.Right, I'm supposed to stay with Luffy until he figures out whatever he needs. What's his problem anyways? She thought as she rummaged through the cupboards looking for something to snack on. She thought about staying here in syrup village. It was quiet enough and Kaya was nice enough to maybe even let her stay in this extravagant house. It didn't seem possible though because of Luffy's plan. Whatever, she liked Nami and Zoro enough to stay."What did I just tell you." Zoro pinched the bridge of his nose as he looked at the girl continue to rummage through cupboards that weren't hers."I'm hungry." Pearl moaned as she saw a loaf of bread hidden away. She snatched it before heading back to the table and sitting down."Fucking hell, maybe you are just like him..." Zoro commented before snatching the bread from her arms and ripping himself a piece as well. If she was going to snack he might as well join in."Hey, that's my bread!""It's actually Kaya's bread.""Tch, whatever."There were a few seconds of peace and quiet before people could be heard coming down the hallway. Pearl perked up at the voiced and swallowed the last piece of her bread. As the door swooped open Kaya and the rest of the gang came ushering into the kitchen, several bags in hand."Hey Zoro, Why are you eating Kaya's bread. We told you we would be back soon!" Nami accused Zoro to which he looked bewildered. He looked between Nami, himself, and the empty handed Pearl— who smiled in his direction.Damn woman."Need any help putting things away?" He offered, not acknowledging Nami's accusation."Yes, but everything in these bags here will be used for lunch." Kaya pointed to the four bags that Luffy and Usopp were carrying. Zoro immediately got up and took the bags that Kaya and Nami were carrying and proceeded to put things away— with much help from Kaya because he kept forgetting which things go where.Pearl on the other hand watched as the others worked together to get lunch ready. Albeit Luffy was more trouble than help."Come on, can I just have a taste!" He whined as he tried to sneak a finger into the sauce. "Like hell you can!" Nami countered as she sacked him in the head. Pearl smiled.Kaya, Usopp and her other butler Merry were working together to prepare the main course for lunch. She wasn't quite sure what was being prepared but by the smell of it she was eager to try it out.Zoro was finished putting away the last of the groceries and grabbed a seat next to her a mug of ale in hand."Oh Pearl, before I forget I have some things for you that I would like you to take without on your journey!" Kaya said as she brought over a cup of water. "Sure, what is it?" Pearl asked."Not much really, just some of my clothes. I think they'll fit you but why not try them out before you head off.""Um, yeah sure thing." Pearl agreed as she remember what she was wearing before all of this. She grimaced at the idea of the off white shirt and baggy half cut jeans."Great! I noticed you didn't have much with you and Nami agreed with me and so I thought it would be nice to give you something." Kaya beamed as she started to set the table. Pearl smiled softly, a blush heating her face up. She wasn't sure how she ended up with such nice people but she was more than glad to have this first experience in a new world. She knew who things could have easily turned out if Luffy never told her to come with him.As Merry, Kaya and Nami set the table to lunch Pearl looked over at Zoro."How's the ale?" She asked as she looked from the mug to his face. Zoro quirked his brow questioningly."Why the sudden interest?" He asked."You said it was weird for me to be quiet..."Zoro sighed and turned away from Pearl, "Just let me drink in peace."Pearl rolled her eyes. First he tells her to be more talkative and now he wants her to shut up. What was with this man anyways.As everyone say down at the table in the kitchen Luffy was the first to dig his fingers into the food displayed on the table."Will you quit it!" Nami yelled as she hit his head."What was that for? Lunch is already served!" Luffy countered as he scowled at Nami."Let pearl get something in her stomach before you eat everything." Nami said as she turned and smiled at her. Pearl took this chance to grab whatever she could. Before she knew it she had grabbed nearly a portion of everything.Nami and Kaya nervously laughed as both Luffy, Zoro and Usopp looked at Pearl with eyes wide."What?" Pearl said as she looked at everyone innocently."See, now she's taken everything!" Luffy whined but quickly replaced it with a hearty laugh before grabbing his own food. Everyone else following."I didn't realize how large of an appetite you had!" Nami said giggling a little bit."Hmm, yeah, I don't know what the last time I had a meal was." Pearl responded. She thought back to the last meal she had and was surprised for a second, "Oh yeah, it would have been the bowl of porridge on Alvida's ship." She said nonchalantly as Nami and Kaya both stared at her in disbelief."What?!" Nami said as she let her cutlery fall to the table."That was awhile ago, no wonder you're hungry!" Luffy said laughing a little bit."How did you not notice your hunger?" Nami asked curiously.Pearl shrugged as she shoveled the meat skewers into her mouth. She didn't know how she didn't realize she was hungry but maybe that's why she kept passing out. She tried to reach Fenghuang but she never answered— well there goes her only way of figuring this thing out. She knew it could be because of her strange connection with Fenghuang but she couldn't be completely sure."Well anyways, I'm gonna make sure you get enough food in you on our travels, since it seems you forget." Nami said with a hint of a smile. Pearl lowered her head in embarrassment as a blush etched itself across her face and neck. It's not like she wanted to forget, it just happened."Thanks for that." She muttered as she finished her plate.Lunch had finally come to an end with Luffy and Usopp sitting bellies full of food. Zoro had wandered off somewhere to do some training. While Nami, Kaya and Pearl left to try on the clothes Kaya had offered them. Pearl walked behind them still trying to contact Fenghuang but she had been quit ever since she had passed out. It was beginning to bother her but she knew that she was still here cause if she wasn't she would cease to exist. Nami and pearl waited in the room that she had woken up in while Kaya proceeded to go and get the bags of clothes. Pearl had sat down on the couch looking at the sheets and wondered what it would be like if she were able to have things like these instead of sleeping on a ship. "Hey, there's something that I've been wanting to ask you since the fight." Nami spoke up as she walked over and sat beside Pearl."What is it?" Pearl replied."I saw how you jumped from that cliff. To be honest I thought you were insane, but when you landed and started charging the pirates I knew that you were something different entirely. I've seen people with Devil fruit pwoers and though they can be strong, you were something entirely different. Not to mention that Luffy doesn't trust you at all, he likes you but he doesn't trust who you are." Nami paused, "When I looked at the pirates there were burn marks and their bodies were crushed beyond recognition. Then, when I tried to grab you before you hit the ground your skin burnt me." Nami held up her arms that were wrapped in bandages below her shirt. "As far as I know, devil fruit powers don't affect the person that possess them, but for you, you were burning up and I saw scars on your skin. I don't know how you ended up on Alvida's ship and to be quite honest I'm not too worried about those details, but what I do want to know is who you are exactly. I think you're lying to me and I want to truth." Nami squared her shoulders as she looked at Pearl steadily.Pearl stared at Nami stunned. In truth Nami was correct, she had been lying to them for awhile now and if she were to truly be apart of their crew then she should be forthright and tell them who she truly was. Fanghuang had never explicitly said that she needed to keep this secret, she just thought she should considering she would either be considered insane or pursued and killed. Either way she looked at it what she had wasn't normal."Well?" Nami pushed, her hands turning into fists on her lap."What I've told you were half truths. I truly don't remember anything from my early days all I know is that I woke up in the sea. Alvida and her crew saved me. I also do have abilities, but they aren't the devil fruit powers everyone says they are." Pearl paused laughing a little, "I don't think Luffy has anyone in his head telling him what to do, give him the power he uses to stretch, or even seize control of his body.""What do you mean someone?" Nami questioned."Um how do I put this normally?..." Pearl paused mulling it over but really any way she put it, it always would sound the same, "Well, I have a voice inside my head, she's a God. That's how I have my abilities."Nami looked dumbfounded at the information."You have a what?" She asked."A God..." Pearl replied."How is that even possible?" Nami got up from her place on the bed and started pacing the room."If I'm being completely honest here I don't even know myself. I don't even know if I'll remember fully what had happened to me.""Wait, what God do you have? There's plenty of Gods out there but you only said you have one, so which one is it?" Nami pressed."Her name is Fenghuang, the Phoenix God. She has said that there was a contract between us, that's why I am the way I am. I hope that kinda explains enough." Pearl explained as she looked at Nami."To be honest, it doesn't explain a lot but its enough for now. It doesn't help that you can't remember, but that's not your fault so I can't blame you for that." Nami mussed as she came back to Pearl. "Just, tell me if anything else comes up in your memories, is that okay?" Nami asked.Pearl nodded, for something that had weighed on her mind for awhile it felt nice to be able to tell someone finally. She just hopped that Fenghuang wouldn't be mad. A soft knock came from the door and both Nami and Pear looked to see Kaya poking her head hrough."Sorry, I couldn't help but over hear your conversation.""Oh, um it's alright!" Pearl said."It's strange to think that you have a God in you, but I saw you on the field shortly before you passed out. You looked amazing! It was like you were glowing." Kaya beamed. That certainly grabbed Pearls attention."Oh yeah, I remember now, you were kinda glowing, but I thought it was just the light of the sun hitting your sweat." Nami added followed by a nervous laugh."Glowing? Are you sure it wasn't just the sweat?" Pearl asked, this was certainly a first for her."Yeah, I'm sure you were glowing, you weren't sweaty at all when I looked at you once you passed out." Nami hummed thinking back on the incident. Pearl however laughed softly and urged Kaya to give her the bag of clothes.The bag that Kaya had brought into the room had fully been divided between the two strawhat pirates. Nami was persistent in her need to have the finer things while Kaya tried to get her to give Pearl a piece or two. Pearl tried to quell Kaya's worry by saying it didn't really matter to her, which was the truth. All of Kaya's clothing had look wonderful, but for life on the sea she wasn't too sure how well they would work. Yet, Nami seemed to not care. The more jewels and sparkley things the clothes possessed the more she held onto them."Thanks for all the new clothes Kaya!" Nami beamed as she waved out the door. Pearl looked back and smiled softly while waving. "Merry will take you to the beach, I hope you like your surprise!" Kaya beamed as she waved back smiling brightly. She was going to miss the rowdy group of pirates but she made a promise to Usopp to work harder than ever. So that maybe one day when they see each other again she'll be just as strong as him and to help heal his wounds."What do you think the surprise is?" Luffy asked as he walked with his hands behind his head."I'm not sure, but I hope it's something cool!" Pearl beamed as she thought about all the cool things Kaya could give them. If the clothes were any indication of Kaya's wealth then she couldn't even begin to know what else Kaya had in store."Come, come!" Merry cheered as he led the group of pirates down and through the streets of syrup village. The group arrived to the beach where they had left their other ship and saw in place of it another, larger one. It had the front of the ship it had a figurehead of a sheep."WOAH!" Luffy yelled as he ran to the ship jumping up onto it while oggling at the design."Wait, is this for us Merry?" Nami asked as she tried to keep her amusement under wraps."Yes! Kaya thought it was the best gift for pirates such as yourself. It's one of our finest ships we have and she would love it if you took it out to sea for her." Merry smiled warmly as he stepped back and let the others take a good look at the large ship."This is fucking amazing!" Pearl beamed as she ran up to the ship and felt the grain of the wood. The colors were basic but this was definatly far better than the other ship they had before."This will certainly do for out needs." A small smile spread across Zoro's face as he too got onto the ship. Luffy was sitting on the figure head looking out to sea, a large smile on his face."This is more than amazing! Thank you Merry, make sure to give Kaya our thanks as well!" Luffy turned around and Pearl wondered how his smile could have gotten wider."I will make sure of that!" Merry without another word turned and left the group to explore the ship before heading off to sea once more."Where do we go from here?" Pearl asked as she climbed up the side of the ship and onto the main deck."We head off to the Grand Line!" Luffy yelled as he jumped from the sheep head and to the main deck where everyone but Usopp stood."Well, It was really great having you guys around!" Usopp said as he fiddled with his shift hem, "I guess I should be making my own plans to head out to sea soon—""What do you mean, you're coming with us..." Luffy said bluntly."W-what?" "You're our friend aren't you? Come on, it'll be fun!" Nami said."I-I couldn't possibly—""Just get on the ship already." Zoro rolled his eyes and a sly smile formed on his face."Come on Usopp, join the crew!" Pearl said as she leaned her head on the railing beside Luffy. Luffy looked over as her and nodded in agreement. "Are you sure?" Usopp asked once more as he hesitantly walked to the edge of the ship. The water was slowly rocking it back and forth. Zoro was hoisting the anchor."Hurry up and get on already!" Luffy urged once more as he put his straw hat on his head.Pearl reached over the side of the ship and grabbed on to Usopp's hand pulling him on board as teh ship had set sail."You're in for one hell of a ride!" She exclaimed brightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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